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(en) This category contains howtos made by FlightGear users and developers. Please note that not all howtos are finished. Feel free to write your own howto.
(es) Esta categoría contiene howtos "Como hacer.." hechos por desarrolladores y usuarios de FlightGear. Por favor advierte que no todos los howtos estan acabados. Sientetete libre de escribir tu propio "Como hacer.."
(it) Questa categoria contiene gli howto ("Come fare") scritti dagli utenti di FlightGear e dagli sviluppatori. Per favore nota che non tutti gli howto sono terminati. Sentiti libero di scrivere il tuo personale howto.
Pages in category "Howto"
The following 192 pages are in this category, out of 192 total.
- AC3D file format
- Accurate control of button repeat rate
- Howto:Activate multi core and multi GPU support
- Howto:Add a 2D canvas instrument to your aircraft
- Howto:Add blackout and redout settings
- Howto:Add contrails
- Howto:Add instruments to a cockpit
- Howto:Add multi-key commands to an aircraft
- Howto:Add paratroopers
- Howto:Add shared models manually
- Howto:Add smooth ("Ambient Occlusion") shadows in Blender
- Howto:Add submodels
- Howto:Add wingmen
- Howto:Adding a canvas to a GUI dialog
- Howto:Adding Cliffs To Terrain
- Howto:Adding gun effects
- Howto:Adding new projections to Canvas Map
- Es/Reabastecimiento aéreo
- Fr/Ravitaillement en vol
- Howto:Aerial refueling
- Howto:Aircraft reflection shader
- Howto:Test your airport layout: quick and easy
- Howto:Animate gear scissors
- Howto:Animate canopy or doors
- Howto:Animate models
- Ar/Howto:Place 3D objects with the UFO
- Howto:Design an autopilot
- Howto:Add new features to the route manager system
- Howto:Add new fgcommands to FlightGear
- Howto:Canvas applications as Nasal submodules
- Howto:Canvas Splash Screens
- Canvas SVG parser
- Howto:Canvas Troubleshooting
- Howto:Carrier Landing
- Es/Cómo:Portaviones
- Fr/Howto:Carrier
- Howto:Carrier
- Pl/Lotniskowiec
- Howto:Carrier Landing Assistant in HUD
- Howto:Development of the CDU
- Changing repeat rate of joystick buttons
- Howto:Clipboard access using Nasal
- Howto:Coding a Boeing CDU
- Command line
- Es/Cómo configurar ventanas de vistas de cámara
- Fr/Howto:Configurer cameras, vues et fenêtres
- Howto:Configure camera view windows
- Howto:Configure views in FlightGear
- De/Howto:Konsolenausgaben verstehen
- Es/Comprendiendo la salida de la consola
- Fr/Howto:Débarrassez-vous des erreurs les plus fréquentes
- Howto:Understand console output
- Howto:Contact the developers
- Howto:Convert objects from X-Plane
- Howto:Convert objects with ModelConverterX
- Crash and stress damage system
- Howto:Create a custom GUI style
- Howto:Create a custom version of FlightGear
- De/Howto: Einen Flugplan erstellen
- Es/Howto: Crear un plan de vuelo
- Howto:Create a flightplan
- Zh/Howto:Create a flightplan
- Howto:Create a generic protocol
- Howto:Create custom splash screens
- Howto:Create custom terrain
- Howto:Create textures from photos
- Howto:Creating 3D instruments
- Zh/Howto:Creating 3D instruments
- Howto:Creating a Canvas GUI dialog file
- Howto:Creating a Canvas GUI Widget
- Howto:Creating FlightGear Promo Videos
- Howto:Creating fullscreen Canvas applications
- Howto:Creating SVG-based Canvas Avionics
- Howto:Cross platform development
- Howto:Cumulus cloud texture extraction
- Howto:Illuminate faces
- Howto:Implement aerial refueling capability
- Multiplayer aerial refueling
- Howto:Implement a Control Display Unit
- Howto:Implement generic tyre smoke
- Howto:Implement pushback
- Howto:Implement Towbar
- Es/Howto: Implement wing flex
- Howto:Implement wing flex
- Howto:Improve scenery in your area, or area of interest
- De/Howto:Flugzeuge Installieren
- Es/Cómo:Instalar aviones
- Howto:Install aircraft
- Pl/Instalowanie samolotów
- Howto:Install Flightgear from a PPA
- Fr/Howto Installer un avion
- Howto:Make a clickable panel
- Howto:Make a helicopter
- Howto:Make a helipad
- Pl/Howto:Jak zrobić helipad
- Howto:Make a trip in the Concorde
- User:D-NXKT
- Howto:Make an aircraft
- Howto:Make an airport
- Howto:Make full spherical panorama
- Howto:Make nice screenshots
- MinGW/cross-compiler
- Howto:Model with parameters
- Howto:Modeling Ground Signs with Blender
- Howto:Modelling clouds
- Howto:Modelling hydrodynamics in JSBSim
- Howto:Multi-channel lightmap
- Howto:Multi-computing FlightGear
- De/Howto: Multiplayer
- Es/Howto: Multijugador
- Fr/Howto: Multijoueur
- Howto:Multiplayer
- It/Come fare:Multiplayer
- Pt/Tutorial de Multiplayer
Media in category "Howto"
The following 38 files are in this category, out of 38 total.
- C172p-wide-narrow.jpg 2,400 × 675; 316 KB
- Davtron M803 operation walktrough.gif 234 × 240; 4.22 MB
- Gca general schema.png 747 × 504; 118 KB
- Inkscape - Boolean Operation (After).png 272 × 336; 5 KB
- Inkscape - Boolean Operation (Before).png 336 × 336; 8 KB
- Inkscape - Document Properties (Grid).png 1,011 × 750; 127 KB
- Inkscape - Simple Rect - Align and Exact Size.png 1,016 × 739; 115 KB
- Lugano-tower-on-mountain.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 549 KB
- Tracking animation (locked-track initial pose).png 368 × 368; 40 KB
- Tracking animation (locked-track target moved outside plane).png 368 × 368; 47 KB
- Tracking animation (locked-track target moved).png 368 × 368; 40 KB
- Tracking animation with slave object.png 368 × 368; 30 KB
- Tutorial 01.jpg 1,158 × 988; 888 KB
- Tutorial 02.jpg 309 × 309; 48 KB
- Tutorial 03.jpg 312 × 570; 92 KB
- Tutorial 04.jpg 1,077 × 975; 614 KB
- Tutorial 05.jpg 1,076 × 973; 681 KB
- Tutorial 06.jpg 667 × 717; 174 KB
- Tutorial 07.jpg 665 × 764; 197 KB
- Tutorial 08.jpg 297 × 402; 46 KB
- Tutorial 09.jpg 1,029 × 554; 209 KB
- Tutorial 10.jpg 1,080 × 977; 742 KB
- Tutorial 11.jpg 668 × 460; 127 KB
- Tutorial 12.jpg 962 × 500; 189 KB
- Tutorial 13.jpg 297 × 379; 70 KB
- Tutorial 14.jpg 612 × 487; 213 KB
- Tutorial 15.jpg 792 × 586; 353 KB
- Tutorial 16.jpg 811 × 517; 324 KB
- Tutorial 17.jpg 800 × 565; 353 KB
- Tutorial 18.jpg 728 × 764; 256 KB
- Tutorial 19.jpg 1,235 × 979; 882 KB
- Tutorial 20.jpg 523 × 525; 160 KB
- Tutorial 21.jpg 1,119 × 913; 511 KB
- Tutorial 22.jpg 1,114 × 904; 757 KB
- Tutorial 23.jpg 1,108 × 894; 678 KB
- Vor-backcourse.png 564 × 543; 239 KB
- VOR-OBS.png 477 × 648; 253 KB