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(en) This category contains howtos made by FlightGear users and developers. Please note that not all howtos are finished. Feel free to write your own howto.

(es) Esta categoría contiene howtos "Como hacer.." hechos por desarrolladores y usuarios de FlightGear. Por favor advierte que no todos los howtos estan acabados. Sientetete libre de escribir tu propio "Como hacer.."

(it) Questa categoria contiene gli howto ("Come fare") scritti dagli utenti di FlightGear e dagli sviluppatori. Per favore nota che non tutti gli howto sono terminati. Sentiti libero di scrivere il tuo personale howto.


This category has only the following subcategory.


Pages in category "Howto"

The following 192 pages are in this category, out of 192 total.


Media in category "Howto"

The following 38 files are in this category, out of 38 total.