Howto:Creating fullscreen Canvas applications

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Demonstrate how to easily create Canvas-based fullscreen applications, i.e. for creating a standalone instrument/MFD viewer, FGPanel or FGCanvas mode for master/slave setups. This is just very basic boilerplate code, it can be used for all sorts of applications, including GUI/Widget designers, graph plotting, a fullscreen ATC client or even an instructor console, all implemented on top of Nasal scripting and the Canvas system.

You can also use the same approach to implement a fullscreen mode for instruments, so that they are easier to use, e.g. a CDU/MCDU).

Example for the Nasal Console

Open the Nasal Console.

The Nasal console in FG 3.0 with copy/paste buttons

# Here's a short demo, open the Nasal Console, copy this to your clipboard and then
# paste it into the Nasal console in FlightGear, next click "Execute".

# hide menubar 

# you can also toggle the menubar automatically:
# setprop("/sim/menubar/autovisibility/enabled",1);

# get the screen coordinates
var x = getprop("/sim/startup/xsize");
var y = getprop("/sim/startup/ysize");

# create a new canvas fullscreen window 
var dlg =[x,y]);

# set rgba
var my_canvas = dlg.createCanvas()

# create the toplevel canvas group
var root = my_canvas.createGroup();

# show an NDB symbol
canvas.parsesvg(root, "gui/dialogs/images/ndb_symbol.svg");

# add a simple event handler, clicking destroys the window
	func dlg.del() 

Submodule Example

Here's pretty much the same example, but this time not intended to be pasted into the Nasal console, but instead added to a separate Nasal submodule, and with some more elements added (a text area and a texture)

  • Create a new folder named 'fullscreen' in $FG_ROOT/Nasal/
  • add a new nasal file named demo.nas
  • paste the following code into demo.nas and save the file
# $FG_ROOT/Nasal/fullscreen/demo.nas

var demo = func {
# enable menubar hiding
# get the screen coordinates
var x = getprop("/sim/startup/xsize");
var y = getprop("/sim/startup/ysize");
# create a new canvas fullscreen window 
var dlg =[x,y]);
# set rgba
var my_canvas = dlg.createCanvas()
# create the toplevel canvas group
var root = my_canvas.createGroup();
# show an NDB symbol
canvas.parsesvg(root, "gui/dialogs/images/ndb_symbol.svg");

# add a text area
var text =
          .setText("Fullscreen Canvas Windows demo - click to close !")
          .setTranslation(50, 50)
          .set("max-width", x)

# add a raster image from the Instruments folder

# add a simple event handler, clicking destroys the window
	func dlg.del() 
} # end of demo function

# register a submodule listener to ensure that our demo function is called
_setlistener("/nasal/fullscreen/loaded", demo );

Some standalone fullscreen applications are unlikely to require most FlightGear subsystems while they're running/maximized, such as the FDM, sound, AI-traffic manager, weather/environment etc - you should explicitly disable those to free computing resources. The draw-otw property that would normally disable scenery rendering is currently broken, but you can basically achieve the same thing by reducing visibility to 0m and setting a high value for fog.

For some additional info, please see:

An application class

var CanvasApplication = {
 # constructor
 new: func(x=300,y=200) {
  var m = { parents: [CanvasApplication] };
  m.dlg =[x,y],"dialog");
  m.canvas = m.dlg.createCanvas().setColorBackground(1,1,1,1);
  m.root = m.canvas.createGroup();
  return m;

# show something and register an event listener
init: func() {
  canvas.parsesvg(me.root, "gui/dialogs/images/ndb_symbol.svg");
  me.canvas.addEventListener("click", func me.dlg.del() );

}; # end of CanvasApplication

var test =, y:200);

What's next

Next, you'll probably want to learn more about:

For additional examples, see Tom's canvas-gui-demo branch at [1].