Canvas GUI API
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gui.nas implements the classes gui, WindowButton and Window. It loads nasal files from $FGROOT/Nasal/canvas/gui for widgets and styles.
See inside the current (Git) API here.
For the Canvas API see Canvas Nasal API
Container class. Stores widgets and the focused window (if any).
Template class that implements common methods, used by widget classes Button, CheckBox, Lable, LineEdit, ScrollArea
new: func(derived)
derived class, e.g. gui.widgets.Button
setFixedSize: func(x, y)
setEnabled: func(enabled)
move: func(x, y)
setSize: func(w, h)
setGeometry: func(geom)
setFocus: func
clearFocus: func
listen: func(type, cb)
onRemove: func
_onStateChange: func
visibilityChanged: func(visible)
_setView: func(view)
_trigger: func(type, data = nil)
_windowFocus: func
returns: bool, focused
Trivial container class to store (key,value) pairs
new: func(cfg)
cfg: hash, used to initialize the config object data
returns: object
get: func(key, default = nil)
returns: the value for key or default if that one is nil
set: func(key, value)
returns: me
This class stors widget factories
new: func(name, name_icon_theme)
parameters are forwarded to constructor
returns:' object
createWidget: func(parent, type, cfg)
At the time of writing there are the following widgets:
button, checkbox, lable, line-edit, scroll-area
They have the following common methods:
new: func(parent, cfg)
parent: parent canvas element (e.g. group) cfg: a config object
update: func(model)
model canvas.Window - strange name... no idea why somebody named it model
Aparently this method is called on events like mouse move/click so each widget can show an appropriate reaction.
setSize: func(model, w, h)
setText: func(model, text)
setSize: func(model, w, h)
setText: func(model, text)
setSize: func(model, w, h)
setText: func(model, text)
setImage: func(model, img)
setBackground: func(model, bg)
heightForWidth: func(w)
_createElement: func(name, type)
_deleteElement: func(name)
A one line text input field
setSize: func(model, w, h)
setText: func(model, text)
setColorBackground: func
_newScroll: func(el, orient)
_updateScrollMetrics: func(model, dir)
This class manages a button implemented as canvas.image element.
new(parent, name)
name: string, used to identify the WindowButton and load decoration image files from $FGROOT/gui/style/<StyleName>/decoration/
e.g. for a button named "close", you should have files close_focused_normal.png, close_focused_prelight.png, close_focused_pressed.png, close_unfocused_normal.png, close_unfocused_prelight.png, close_unfocused_pressed.png
protected _onStateChange()
Different images are sourced e.g. for hover, focus etc. according to the active style.
new: func(size, type = nil, id = nil)
size: vector [x,y], initial size of the window
type: ? set property "type"
id: ? used in var ghost = _newWindowGhost(id);
Constructor to create a new instance of canvas.Window
returns: Window object
del: func
Destructor to clean up. Canvas will not be deleted if it has other "placements"
setTitle: func(title)
title: string
Set property "title" (e.g. text on the titlebar)
returns: Window object (me)
createCanvas: func()
Create the canvas to be used for this Window, add placement and mousedown listener.
returns: The new canvas
setCanvas: func(canvas_)
canvas_: canvas object
Replace canvas of this window with canvas_ and remove onRezize method so window cannot be resized anymore.
getCanvas: func(create = 0)
create: bool, create canvas for this window if it does not exist
returns: canvas object of this window
getCanvasDecoration: func()
returns: canvas object of the window decoration (?)
setLayout: func(l)
l (?)
Call me._ghost.setLayout(l);
returns: Window object (me)
setFocus: func
Set this window focused and tell gui class about it.
returns: Window object (me)
clearFocus: func
Clear focus from this window and tell gui class about it.
returns: Window object (me)
setPosition: func (arg...)
arg: either a vector [x, y] or two parameters x,y
Set window position to (x,y) where (0,0) is (left, top)
returns: Window object (me)
setSize: func(arg...)
arg: either a vector [width, height] or two parameters width, height
Set content-size to width, height and call me.onResize if exists.
returns: Window object (me)
move: func
arg: either a vector [x, y] or two parameters x,y
Moves window by x to the right and y down.
returns: Window object (me)
raise: func()
Update z-index and call setFocus()
returns: Window object (me)
onResize: func()
Update canvas size and view to Window.content-size
returns: Window object (me) or nil if window has no canvas.
Private methods The following methods should NOT be called directly, they shall be used ONLY by the methods above.
_onStateChange: func
Used in setFocus(), clearFocus() and _updateDecoration().
_propCallback: func(child, mode)
Used in (m is the window object under creation):
arg is a vector [child, listener_node, mode, is_child_event]
setlistener(m._node, func m._propCallback(arg[0], arg[2]), 0, 2);
_handlePositionAbsolute: func(child, mode, name, index)
used only in _propCallback
_updatePos: func(index, name)
used only in _handlePositionAbsolute
_handleResize: func(child, name)
used only in _propCallback
_updateDecoration: func()
used only in _propCallback
_resizeDecoration: func()
used by _propCallback and _updateDecoration
Dialog (depricated)
canvas.Dialog is deprectated! Use canvas.Window instead.