Red Griffin ATC compatible aircraft

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Red Griffin ATC radio support and use rely on FlightGear properties and, for this reason, it is essential for the aircraft to provide a functional implementation of the radio stack.

Red Griffin ATC has been extensively tested with tens of aircraft and, according to these tests, not all aircraft seem to provide a complete implementation of COM radios and, in this particular case, those aircraft will not work because of lack of fundamental properties needed by Red Griffin ATC.

Required properties

Red Griffin ATC radio support and use rely on FlightGear properties and, for this reason, it is essential for the aircraft to provide a functional implementation of both the radio stack and transponder. Red Griffin ATC has been extensively tested with tens of aircraft and, according to these tests, not all aircraft seem to provide a complete implementation of COM radios and transponder. In this particular case, those aircraft will not work because of lack of fundamental properties needed by Red Griffin ATC. As of version 2.3.0, Red Griffin ATC uses and relies on the following radio properties for each COM radio:

  • /instrumentation/comm[x]/serviceable
  • /instrumentation/comm[x]/signal-quality-norm
  • /instrumentation/comm[x]/volume
  • /instrumentation/comm[x]/volume-selected
  • /instrumentation/comm[x]/power-btn
  • /instrumentation/comm[x]/airport-id
  • /instrumentation/comm[x]/station-name
  • /instrumentation/comm[x]/frequencies/selected-mhz
  • /instrumentation/comm[x]/track-distance-m
  • /instrumentation/comm[x]/true-bearing-to-deg

Moreover, in order to be fully compatible with Red Griffin ATC, the aircraft must also provide operative support for its transponders, in particular, the below properties need to be properly defined and usable:

  • /instrumentation/transponder[x]/serviceable
  • /instrumentation/transponder[x]/operable
  • /instrumentation/transponder[x]/inputs/knob-mode
  • /instrumentation/transponder[x]/id-code
  • /instrumentation/transponder[x]/ident

In case the aircraft does not provide some of the above properties, Red Griffin ATC will show a warning message in the main dialog and any radio operation will not be possible. In this specific case, you can contact the aircraft developer and ask for a revision of the radio implementation in order to comply to the above properties.

Please note Red Griffin ATC reads and uses the above properties "as they are" and relies on their data. If you notice some incongruence in data shown both in the radio stack or Red Griffin ATC dialog window or popup, it is probably because of improper data written by the aircraft in FlightGear properties.

Everyone is invited and encouraged to update this list in order to provide a complete and reliable source to Red Griffin ATC users. In case you do not see your favorite aircraft in the below lists, it simply means it has not been tested yet with Red Griffin ATC and therefore its compatibility is unknown. In such a case, you are invited to test the aircraft and add the result in the appropriate list as well as adding the [[Category:Red Griffin ATC compatible aircraft]] tag to the aircraft wiki page, in case it does exist and the aircraft is compatible with red Griffin ATC.


Aircraft known to work and tested with Red Griffin ATC

A special category called Red Griffin ATC compatible aircraft is available in the Wiki and can be used to tag and categorize every aircraft having a dedicated Wiki page and tested to be compatible (i.e. perfectly working) with Red Griffin ATC. The models in this list shown in blue are aircraft having their own page in the Wiki, tested and known to be fully working and compatible with Red Griffin ATC. Aircraft shown in black are those not having their own page in the Wiki - therefore they could not be categorized - however tested and known to be compatible.

Known incompatible aircraft

These aircraft are known to not be compatible with Red Griffin ATC because of one or more COM property missing or improperly used, as well as having an incomplete or poor COM radio implementation.