Boeing 707-420
The 707-420/430's splash screen | |
Type | Airliner, Military tanker aircraft |
Configuration | Low wing aircraft, Monoplane aircraft, Retractable gear aircraft, Tricycle landing gear aircraft |
Propulsion | Quadjet (Jet aircraft, Four-engine aircraft) |
Manufacturer | Boeing |
Author(s) |
FDM | JSBSim |
--aircraft= |
707 707-TT 707-PAX EC-137D |
Status | Advanced production |
FDM | |
Systems | |
Cockpit | |
Model | |
Supports | |
Development | |
Hangar | |
Website | |
Repository | |
Download | |
License | GPLv2+ |
The Boeing 707-420/430 were versions of the 707-320 with Rolls-Royce Conway 508 turbofans. First appearing in 1960, 37 examples were delivered to BOAC, Lufthansa, Air India, El Al and Varig through November 1963.
This FlightGear model includes versions dating from 1959 to the late 1970s. Feel the difference between the older Rolls-Royce Conway 508 turbofans engines and the later JT4 engines simply by changing liveries.
- 707-420/430: Passenger airliners capable of seating 147 passengers.
- 707-TT (Tanker Transport): An Italian tanker variant. Can be used for air-to-air refueling.
- EC-137D: An AWACS variant that later evolved into the E-3 Sentry.
Aircraft help
The 707-420/430 has a detailed built-in tutorial in German, English, Czech, Portugues and Spanish. You can help translate the tutorial into other languages by visiting our page on github.
Cheat sheet
Key | Function |
Delete | Deploy reverse thrust. |
⇧ Shift + B | Set or unset the parking brake. |
Control + B | Deploy the speedbrakes. |
G | Raise the landing gear. |
⇧ Shift + G | Lower the landing gear. |
] | Lower the leading and trailing edge flaps. |
[ | Raise the leading and trailing edge flaps. |
y | Hide or show the cockpit yokes. |
< | Toggle between pilot and engineer views. |
F9 | Open the fuel and weight controls. |
F11 | Focus or unfocus the view on the autopilot controls. |
The aircraft's philosophy is based on the WYSIWYG concept. Everything you see on the panels is clickable - and works.
The light effects in the cockpit are made with extra attention to detail, with the aim of giving the user the most realistic experience possible. The hope is that the pilot to feel as if they are actually in the plane itself.
On the other hand, the 707-420/430 is also focused on usability for new users. For example, the generic autopilot dialog has been retained, and an autostart function is available. Tutorials are available in several languages. All this is done with the aim of making things easy for first-time users while also allowing them to learn and have fun.
The 707-420/430 has been tested on several platforms, including GNU/Linux, Windows XP to Windows 10 and Mac OS X from FlightGear 2.10 to 2016.2 and GIT, and has passed all tests with flying colors. Over 15 users have helped test the aircraft throughout its evolution.
Additionally, members of the beta testing team have visited the German Technical Museum in Munich and verified the model's accuracy.
Get certified
It has been estimated that the 707 certification takes about 400 hours of flight time. We will grant 707 Knight Sky Class Certification to those pilots who reach 400 hours. Additionally, we will be giving away a 707 "City of Friedrischafen" custom set of wings, diploma, and avatar.
The aircraft has been fully tested and certified. Now it's your turn. Be a part of the legend.
In multiplay, some parts of the 707 are hidden (wings, tail, doors)
to fix this, edit the model file (example : Aircraft/707/Models/707-TT.xml) and remove the slash before /sim/current-view/internal :
<condition> <not><property>sim/current-view/internal</property></not> </condition>
Thanks to...
- Innis Cunningham and all the developers who have contributed to FlightGear
Test pilots
- D-3m
Technical systems assistance
Custom autopilot integration
- buster
Bug smashers
- Airliners
- Military tanker aircraft
- Low wing aircraft
- Monoplane aircraft
- Retractable gear aircraft
- Tricycle landing gear aircraft
- Quadjets
- Jet aircraft
- Four-engine aircraft
- Boeing
- Interactive Tutorial Support
- Aircraft with Checklists
- Rembrandt aircraft
- Air refueling ready
- GPLv2+
- FGAddon hangar
- Lake of Constance hangar
- All aircraft
- Aircraft with cabin view
- Red Griffin ATC compatible aircraft