McDonnell Douglas MD-11

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McDonnell Douglas MD-11
octal450 hangar
The MD-11F with GE Engines
The MD-11F with GE Engines
Type Airliner
Configuration Low wing aircraft, Monoplane aircraft, Retractable gear aircraft, Tricycle landing gear aircraft
Propulsion Trijet (Jet aircraft, Three-engine aircraft)
Manufacturer McDonnell Douglas
  • Josh Davidson (Octal450)
  • Semir Gebran (CaptB)
  • John Williams (tikibar)
  • Jormapaappa1235
Status Advanced production
 FDM Stars-5.png
 Systems Stars-5.png
 Cockpit Stars-5.png
 Model Stars-5.png
Supports Canvas Checklists IntegratedSystems
 Repository The development repository of the McDonnell Douglas MD-11.
Download Download the aircraft package.
Forum 'McDonnell Douglas MD-11' topic on the FlightGear forum.

The McDonnell Douglas MD-11 is a trijet widebody commercial airliner created by the McDonnell Douglas Corporation as the successor to the DC-10.

This is an accurate and complex recreation of the MD-11. Stable versions of the aircraft are uploaded to FGAddon.



  • MD-11 (GE CF6-80C2D1F and PW4462)
  • MD-11F (GE CF6-80C2D1F and PW4462)

See the right InfoBox for the repository or download. Remember to rename the aircraft's folder to "MD-11".

Development Status

Status denotes simulated functionalilty. Items marked as done may still be improved upon.

  • Aerodynamics: 90}% completed
  • APU: Done Done
  • Autoflight: 90}% completed
  • Caution and Warning: 30}% completed
  • CF6 Engines and FADEC: 90}% completed
  • EAD Display: 90}% completed
  • Electrical: Done Done
  • Exterior Model: 90}% completed
  • Flight Controls: Done Done
  • FMS and MCDU: 30}% completed
  • Fuel: 90}% completed
  • IESI Display: Done Done
  • Landing Gear and Brakes: Done Done
  • LSAS, RCWS, Yaw Damper: Done Done
  • Hydraulics: Done Done
  • ND Displays: Not done Not done
  • PFD Displays: 90}% completed
  • Pneumatics: 90}% completed
  • Pressurization: Not done Not done
  • PW4000 Engines and FADEC: 90}% completed
  • SD Display: 50}% completed
  • Virtual Cockpit: 90}% completed
  • Weight/Balance: Done Done

Development Team

  • Flight Dynamics, Systems, Displays: Josh Davidson (Octal450)
  • 3D/Textures: Semir Gebran (CaptB), John Williams (tikibar), and Jormapaappa1235


Written Documentation

Key Combination Lookup

Key Function
1 Show Captain View
2 Show First Officer View
3 Show Overhead View
4 Show Forward Pedestal View
5 Show Aft Pedestal View
6 Show Glareshield View
7 Show MCDU View
F1 Disengage/Decrease Reverse Thrust
F2 Engage/Increase Reverse Thrust
DEL Toggle Thrust Reversers
C Reset Current View
E Set Throttles to Idle
F Set Throttles to Thrust Limit
CTRL+B Cycle Spoilers
Shift+B Toggle Parking Brake
Shift+C Open Checklists
CTRL+D Autothrust Disconnect Button
Shift+D Autoflight Disconnect Button
Shift+F Set Throttles to Full
CTRL+G Go Around Button

Tutorial videos (non-English)

Tutorial video in the Polish language by SP-ROM showing startup procedures and taxiing. The demonstration may help people who don't speak Polish. (MD-11 state as at May 2021)