Cessna 150

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Note: The C150 is now (20160504) under maintenance by HJ
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Cessna 150L
Type Civil aircraft, Civil utility aircraft, Trainer aircraft
Configuration High wing aircraft, Fixed gear aircraft, Tricycle landing gear aircraft
Propulsion Propeller aircraft, Single-engine aircraft
Manufacturer Cessna
Author(s) Harald Johnsen
--aircraft= c150
Status Early production
 FDM Stars-2.png
 Systems Stars-3.png
 Cockpit Stars-4.png
 Model Stars-3.png
 Website The website for the Cessna 150L developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Cessna 150L.
Download Download the Cessna 150L aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

The Cessna 150 is a two-seat tricycle gear general aviation aircraft, that was designed for flight training, touring and personal use.

The Cessna 150 is the third most produced civilian plane ever, with 23,839 aircraft produced. The Cessna 150 was offered for sale in the 150 basic model, Commuter, Commuter II, Patroller and the aerobatic Aerobat models.

Normal Operating Procedures

Airspeeds for normal flight operation

Best angle of climb VX 56 64
Best rate of climb VY 68 78
Normal rotation speed VR 50 58
Normal climb speed 65-75 75-85
Normal landing (no flaps) 60-70 70-80
Normal landing (full flaps) 50-60 57-69
Powered landing (no flaps) 65 75
Powered landing (full flaps) 55 63
Maximum performance approach 52 60
Optimum glide speed 60 69
Never Exceed Speed VNE
Do not exceed this speed in any operation
141 162
Max structural speed VNO
Do no exceed this speed except in smooth air and
then only with caution
107 123
Maneuvering speed VA
1,600 pounds 67 111
1,450 pounds 93 107
1,300 pounds 88 101
Maximum flap extended speed VFE 85 97
Stall speed VS 47 54
Stall speed (10° Flaps) VS1 45 52
Stall speed in landing configuration VS0 42 49
Optimum glide speed 60 69



  1. Seat - Lock
  2. Avionics -Off
  3. Carburetor Heat - Cold
  4. Mixture - Full Rich
  5. Primer - As Required
  6. Brakes
  7. Master - On
  8. Beacon - On
  9. Mags - Both
  10. Throttle - Open 1/4 inch
  11. Propeller Area - Clear
  12. Starter - On
  13. Oil Pressure
  14. Lights - As Required
  15. Mixture - As Required


  1. Wing flaps - Up
  2. Carburetor Heat - Cold
  3. Throttle - Full "Open"
  4. Elevator Control - Lift nose wheel at 50 mph
  5. Climb Speed - 72 MPH until all obstacles are cleared


  1. Air Speed - 75 to 80 MPH
  2. Power - Full throttle
  3. Mixture - Rich (unless engine is rough)


  1. Power - 2000 to 2750 RPM
  2. Elevator Trim - Adjust
  3. Mixture - Lean to maximum RPM


  1. Mixture - Rich
  2. Carburetor Heat - Apply full heat before closing throttle
  3. Airspeed - 65 to 75 MPH
  4. Wing Flaps - As desired below 100 MPH
  5. Airspeed - 60 to 70 MPH with flaps extended


  1. Touch down - Main wheels first
  2. Landing Roll - Lower nose wheel gently
  3. Braking - Minimum required

Keyboard reminder

Key Function
d/ Shift+d Door select
Ctrl+d Open/close selected door
Shift+O Operate priming pump
= Open configuration dialog


External links