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FlightGear, your experience is our reward

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Devoted of freesoftware



We recently reached the drafting bombable installer for windows created by felipe uruguayol team. (FlightGear-Team.UY)


Together in freedom is better.

Sinonimous of Freedom our GPL is our ethical statement.FlightGear runs with same guaranty that Privative software. Nothing, or almost Nothing. However we offer better assistance 24X7X365.


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Visiting Helijah's Hangar

A review of the aircraft that have marked the history of aviation pioneers

A brainy innovation takes flight

A team of North­eastern Uni­ver­sity engi­neering stu­dents has devel­oped a system that allows a pilot to fly a sim­u­lated air­plane using nothing more than his or her brain­waves — a pro­gram that has piqued mil­i­tary and private-​​sector interest.

“Typ­i­cally, a pilot has a joy­stick and a throttle and those allow him or her to do a myriad of things,” said Nedoroscik, the team leader. “We were able to iden­tify the absolute essen­tial con­trols and write them into the soft­ware. We’ve been able to achieve up to eight com­mands, which allowed us to fly the plane and do a couple of flight maneuvers.”

The group was super­vised by Waleed Meleis, an asso­ciate pro­fessor of elec­trical and com­puter engi­neering, and worked closely with Assis­tant Pro­fessor Deniz Erdogmus, a brain-​​computer inter­face expert. During the two semes­ters they spent working on the project, Erdogmus gave the group access to his equip­ment, which allows a user to con­trol com­puters or robots with sig­nals from dif­ferent parts of the body.

Using an open-​​source flight sim­u­lator called Flight­Gear, the group was able to design a com­puter system that could dis­tin­guish between eight com­mands at a rate of two sec­onds per com­mand, achieving accu­rate results about 80 per­cent of the time.

This entry was posted in Campus & Community, Science & Technology and tagged airplane, Boston, capstone, computers, electrical and computer engineering, engineering, experiential learning, flight, grant, research, robots, simulator, students. Bookmark the permalink.

PHOTO Curt: "Unable to look back"

New version of FlightGear meteorological model Ver 1.0 by Torsthen El crecimiento de la masa critica ha impresionado a todos los participantes. We modify the way the weather affects ouu dinamics

University of Atlanta, Georgia has it's own dinamic model

Now everyone can feel the cloud's drift, and head winds moving humidity to your fuselage.


Using Arduino compatibility and GPS integration

Through a proxy server. Now everyone can feel the cloud's drift, and head winds moving humidity to your fuselage.

FG friendly hardware - Arduino

FG friendly projects - Watch on video - Find more information


A huge project that give light to the FG project

A review of the aircraft that have marked the history of aviation pioneers


External links


External links


External links


FG Museum Program

  • [Curtis Olson R.C. Museum]
  • [Veridian Engineering Division, Buffalo, NY]
  • [MathWorks]
  • [NASA/Ames Human Centered System Lab]
  • [Pragolet s.r.o.]
  • [ATC Flight Simulator Company]
  • [ActiveFly]
  • [Robert Heffley Engineering]
  • [Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated (ARINC)]
  • [RWTH Aachen]

FGUP FlightGear University Program


FG Friendly Companies

  • [Aeronautical Development Agency, Bangalore India]
  • [Veridian Engineering Division, Buffalo, NY]
  • [MathWorks]
  • [NASA/Ames Human Centered System Lab]
  • [Pragolet s.r.o.]
  • [ATC Flight Simulator Company]
  • [ActiveFly]
  • [Robert Heffley Engineering]
  • [Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated (ARINC)]
  • [RWTH Aachen]

External links

New to FlightGear · FlightGear Manual
Frequently asked questions

Common errors
Improving framerates

Freeride.jpg Chimpmunk.png

Aerial refueling

Aircraft carrier operations
Flying warbirds Flying helicopters
Multiplayer Be an air traffic controller Multi-crew
Soaring · Weather

Avionics and instruments · Aircraft lighting
Altitude · Speed

Propeller torque and P-factor
Navigation Creating a flightplan
List of abbreviations Magagazine.png

Chimpmunk.png HARDWARE
Joystick, yoke and rudder Multiple displays


Aircraft · Airports/Scenery
Flights · Challenging Airports


FGo! · FGRun · KFreeFlight
FGCOM · TerraSync
Atlas · Airport Diagram Generator


Unique Features · Reviews
Videos · Making nice screenshots
Presentation recipe · Expo checklist

Development repository status
Current release: 2024.1.1 (27 Feb 2025)
Next release: 2025.1
See release plan for details.


Freedom our strenght

  • To Use-To Copy-To Modify-To Share-To Flight-To Teach-To Learn-To build-To program!
  • With unmatched multiplatform software capable to run on more than 6: O.S GNU/Linux -Mac-Win
  • our forum if you cannot find what you're looking for.
  • [Curtis Olson R.C. Museum]
  • [Veridian Engineering Division, Buffalo, NY]



  • Team Viper
  • [John Wojnaroski's 747 cockpit]
  • [Gery's MD80 cockpit]


FG Friendly Hardware


FG Friendly Software


External links1


External links2


External links3


External links4