Boeing E-3 Sentry

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Boeing E-3B
Landing of an E-3B in NATO livery.
Landing of an E-3B in NATO livery.
Type AWACS aircraft, Military aircraft
Configuration Low wing aircraft
Propulsion Quadjet (Jet aircraft, Four-engine aircraft)
Manufacturer Boeing
  • Innis Cunningham
  • Vivian Meazza
  • David Culp
  • Julien Pierru
--aircraft= E3B
Status Early production
 Website The website for the Boeing E-3B developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Boeing E-3B.
Download Download the Boeing E-3B aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

The Boeing E-3 Sentry is an American military airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft that provides all-weather surveillance, command, control and communications, to the United States, United Kingdom, France, Saudi Arabia, and NATO air defense forces. Production ended in 1992 after 68 had been built.


The E-3 as equipped in USAF and NATO service can fly without refueling for 8 hours or 4000 miles, whilst newer examples in British, French and Saudi service, equipped with CFM56-2 engines can fly for 10 hours or 5000 miles without refuelling. Its range and on-station time can be increased through inflight refueling and the use of an on-board crew rest area. The range and loiter time can be used to alter the flight plan as required for operation reasons.


There is currently one variant modeled in FlightGear:

  • E-3B

Related links

Boeing EC-137R Sentry