Boeing 717

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Boeing 717
The Boeing 717 in the AirTran Airways livery
The Boeing 717 in the AirTran Airways livery
Type Airliner
Configuration Low wing aircraft
Propulsion Jet aircraft
Manufacturer Boeing
  • Malik Guest
  • Skyop
  • Gary Neely
--aircraft= 717-200
Status Development
 Website The website for the Boeing 717 developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Boeing 717.
Download Download the Boeing 717 aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
Forum 'Boeing 717' topic on the FlightGear forum.
License GPLv2+
The 3d cockpit, looking downward at the instruments
The 3d cockpit, looking upward at the overhead panel
The 717's mult-function display, showing the selected VORs, multiplayer traffic in the area, and the next waypoint entered in the Route Manager

The Boeing 717 is a twin-engine, single-aisle jet airliner, developed for the 100-seat market. The airliner was designed and marketed by McDonnell Douglas as the MD-95, a third-generation derivative of the DC-9.

The first order was placed in October 1995; however, McDonnell Douglas and Boeing merged in 1997 prior to production. The first planes entered service in 1999 as the Boeing 717. Production ceased in May 2006 after 156 units were produced.

Aircraft help

The knobs on the autopilot control panel can be adjusted by clicking the sides to increase and middle-clicking to decrease. You can also use the scroll wheel if your mouse includes one. Click the face on the front of a knob to perform its function.

Key commands

Key Function
Delete activate reverse thrust
Ctrl+b cycle speedbrake setting
Tab cycle autobrake setting
Ctrl+z toggle autopilot Master Arm switch
Ctrl+y toggle autopilot Mach speed hold
Ctrl+o toggle autothrottle TO/GA set

You can find a full list of autopilot key commands in the documentation included with FlightGear.

Startup procedures

  1. APU master switch START.
  2. (Wait some seconds...) APU master switch RUN.
  3. APU electric generator ON.
  4. Engine 1 and engine 2 starters ON.
  5. Engine 1 and engine 2 cutoff switches RUN.
  6. Engine 1 and engine 2 electric generators ON.
  7. APU electric generator OFF.
  8. APU master switch OFF.

Development status



  • FDM tweaking (as always)

External Links
