Boeing 727-230

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Note  This aircraft is out of date. For the new 727, see Boeing 727.
Boeing 727-230
Boeing 727-230 in Lufthansa livery
Boeing 727-230 in Lufthansa livery
Type Airliner, Cargo aircraft
Configuration Low wing aircraft, Monoplane aircraft, Retractable gear aircraft, Tricycle landing gear aircraft, Narrow-body aircraft
Propulsion Trijet (Jet aircraft, Three-engine aircraft)
Manufacturer Boeing
  • Heiko Schulz (FDM, fuselage, wings)
  • Emmanuel Barranger (instruments)
--aircraft= 727-230
Status Alpha
 FDM Stars-2.png
 Systems Stars-1.png
 Cockpit Stars-2.png
 Model Stars-3.png
 Website The website for the Boeing 727-230 developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Boeing 727-230.
Download Download the Boeing 727-230 aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
Liveries Browse the FlightGear livery database for the Boeing 727-230.
Forum 'Boeing 727-230' topic on the FlightGear forum.
License GPLv2+

The Boeing 727 is a mid-size, narrow-body, three-engine, T-tailed commercial jet airliner. The first Boeing 727 flew in 1963 and for over a decade it was the most produced commercial jet airliner in the world. When production ended in 1984, a total of 1,831 aircraft had been produced.

The model for FlightGear is currently alpha, but will have some nice eye candies like tyre smoke, contrails, engine smoke, pushback, hopefully a good 3d-flightdeck, a good autopilot usuable from cockpit and a as near-as-possible-realistic FDM. As it is OpenSource all developers and users are invited to improve this aircraft to make it realistic as possible.

Last Version 0.2 from 10/18/2009

Development status/Issues/Todo


  • wings not yet completed (fairings missing, flaps and slat animation could be better)
  • stair missing
  • animating passenger doors not yet
  • completing texture mapping not yet
  • livery-over-mp not yet
  • lighting
  • has tyre smoke
  • has now pushback feature

3d Cockpit:

  • mainpanel in the work, first added instruments


  • well, it is Alpha! ;-)

External links