Antonov An-2

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Antonov An-2
Antonov An-2.jpg
The cockpit of an Antonov An-2
The cockpit of an Antonov An-2
Type Civil aircraft, Cargo aircraft, Historical aircraft
Configuration High wing aircraft
Propulsion Propeller aircraft, Single-engine aircraft
Manufacturer Antonov
  • Anton Nikolaev
  • Yurik V. Nikiforoff
--aircraft= an2
Status Alpha
 Website The website for the Antonov An-2 developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Antonov An-2.
Download Download the Antonov An-2 aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

The Antonov An-2 is a single engine biplane which was designed in the USSR in the 1940s. This versatile aircraft has been and is still used for a multitude of purposes, ranging from passenger and goods transport to crop dusting.

User's Manual

See Antonov An-2 Panel Reference for the position of the switches, selectors etc.

Engine start procedure

Before start, turn on main battery switch (pos. 48), set magneto selector (23) to (1+2) position, set fuel tank selector (9) to up position, and turn throttle to idle.For start engine, turn on starter switch (24), spin inertial starter by turn starter selector (25) to left position,hold until spinup - see to ampermeter (17), listen sound of gyro. After spinup, turn starter selector to right and hold until engine started. Turn off starter switch (24).

Radio and navigation procedure

Turn on generator (47). Turn on PO-500 alternator (64). Turn on all switches pos.29, 49-60 , except panel lighting (56). Turn on radio altimeter and set warning to desired altitude (8).

Tune ADF radio by settings digit of frequency, work and stand-by channel (pos. 73, 74). There are hotspots under and above digit wheels. Select desired channel by switch pos. 63. Green lamp (71,72) will be indicate work channel. Turn switch 69 and listen Morze code of ADF beacon, set volume by handle 70.

Adjust gyroinductional compass to mag meridian by press button 26 until GIK heading indicator (pos.2) has stop rotation. Set index (white needle) to desired heading (heading of runway or route) by press button in the left bottom corner of GIK instruments.

Adjust gyrocompass GPK (pos.3) by operate his button. For adjust, GPK should be in caged state (see red label under digit ribbon). Press to center of GPK button for select cage. After red label will appear, adjust heading of GPK by press to left and right border of GPK button. When heading stay right, click to center of button for un-cage instrument.

Cause GPK has not longitudal correction, it's not intended for long route. GPK should be used for short time and distance - pattern, approach etc, like real aircraft.

Un-cage attitude indicator AGK pos.1 by click on his right button. Caged flag will disappear, and needles of instrument stay in work position. You can adjust horizont level by click to left button of AGK, but only when instrument stay in cage state, like GPK.

Flight procedure

For right control of engine, you should operate not only throttle. Propeller pitch - is very important parameter too. Please, configure you joystick or keyboard for operate propeller pitch. You can operate of pitch handle by press mouse to hotspot, but it's very inconveniently.

For take-off, pitch handle (pos. 62) must be in front position, and manifold pressure (pos. 15) should be 900-1000 mm.Hg. Time for max power (1000 mmHg, 2200 rpm) - up to 5 min.

For right engine control, operate manifold pressure by throttle handle, and rpm - by pitch handle. Model has pitch automatic control subsystem, so it's work like real aircraft... I hope:)

Optimal climbing speed - 140 km/h. For right flight control digit, please read Flight Manual. I can't put it into model pack, but there is nice web version here.

External links

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