Antonov An-24

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Antonov An-24B.png
Type Airliner
Configuration High wing aircraft
Propulsion Turboprop aircraft, Twin-engine aircraft
Manufacturer Antonov
  • Michael Soitanen (FDM, Systems)
  • Adrian aka Maerchenprinz (3D, Systems)
--aircraft= an24b
Status Production
 FDM Stars-5.png
 Systems Stars-4.png
 Cockpit Stars-4.png
 Model Stars-3.png
 Website The website for the An-24B developments.
 Repository The development repository of the An-24B.
Download Download the An-24B aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

The Antonov An-24 was basically built as regional airliner from 1959-1978 in the USSR. Having many variants, the An-24 also served, and serves, e.g. as transport, reconnaissance, fire fighter, or even as navigator training plane. It's derivatives, the An-26, An-30 and An-32 are used for military purposes.

The An-24B

In late 1957, Oleg Antonov and his design bureau were commissioned to develop, test and produce a 44-seat regional airliner. To not just fulfil these demands of the Council of Ministers, but also the requirements of soviet infrastructure of that time, the An-24's design features several special characteristics: Among these are high-mounted engines to avoid suction of dirt or dust from unprepared runways, the maingear being retracted into the engine nacelles for better aerodynamics and sophisticated navigational equipment for use in remote regions. In total, more than 1300 An-24 were built; In the 1970's no less than 30% of passenger transport in the USSR was in charge of the An-24 with the An-24B being one of the most used variants.

Development status/Issues

Under ongoing development; Most research done, mostly everything of importance exists as 3D-Model with animations, waiting to be filled with life



  • Cockpit cabin: Correcting dimensions, making texture, adding details etc.
  • Airframe: Animations, lights, engine nacelles ("gear bulges"), cut-outs (doors, hatches), etc.


  • Basic hydraulic system
  • Basic oil system
  • Water injection, PRT-24, fire warning and extinguishing, ice warning and de-icing, air conditioning etc.


  • Minor improvements on many instruments
  • Radio implementation (US-8 and R-836)


  • Expanding the manual
  • This Wiki-page

External links