Boeing 727

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Boeing 727 Series
octal450 hangar
The 727-200 Advanced
The 727-200 Advanced
Type Airliner
Configuration Low wing aircraft, Monoplane aircraft, Retractable gear aircraft, Tricycle landing gear aircraft
Propulsion Trijet (Jet aircraft, Three-engine aircraft)
Manufacturer Boeing
  • Josh Davidson (Octal450)
  • Heiko Schulz (HHS81)
  • Gary Neely (Buckaroo)
Status Unknown
Supports Checklists IntegratedSystems
 Repository The development repository of the Boeing 727 Series.
Download Download the aircraft package.
Forum 'Boeing 727 Series' topic on the FlightGear forum.

Under reconstruction. Stay tuned.



  • 727-200 (JT8D-7)
  • 727-200 Advanced (JT8D-15A)
  • 727-200F Advanced (JT8D-15A)
  • 727-200 Super 27 (JT8D-219 and JT8D-15A)
  • 727-200F Super 27 (JT8D-219 and JT8D-15A)

Planned Models:

  • 727-100 series

Development Status

Status denotes simulated functionalilty. Items marked as done may still be improved upon.

  • Aerodynamics: 80}% completed
  • Analog Instruments: 40}% completed
  • APU: Done Done
  • Caution and Warning: Not done Not done
  • Collins Flight Director: Not done Not done
  • Electrical: Done Done
  • Exterior Model: 80}% completed
  • Flight Controls: Done Done
  • Fuel: Done Done
  • Landing Gear and Brakes: Done Done
  • Hydraulics: Done Done
  • JT8D Engines: 90}% completed
  • Pneumatics: Not done Not done
  • Pressurization: Not done Not done
  • SP-50 Autopilot: 90}% completed
  • SP-150 Autopilot: Not done Not done
  • Virtual Cockpit: 30}% completed
  • Weight/Balance: Done Done
  • Yaw Damper: Done Done

Development Team

  • Flight Dynamics, Systems, Instruments: Josh Davidson (Octal450)
  • 3D/Textures: Heiko Schulz (HHS81)
  • Super 27 Engine 3D: Gary Neely (Buckaroo)


Key Combination Lookup

Key Function
1 Show Captain View
2 Show First Officer View
3 Show Overhead View
4 Show Forward Pedestal View
5 Show Aft Pedestal View
6 Show Glareshield View
F1 Disengage/Decrease Reverse Thrust
F2 Engage/Increase Reverse Thrust
DEL Toggle Thrust Reversers
C Reset Current View
E Set Throttles to Idle
F Set Full Thrust
CTRL+B Cycle Spoilers
Shift+B Toggle Parking Brake
Shift+C Open Checklists
Shift+D Autoflight Disconnect Button