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Catalanoic (contact)
Location Barcelona (Catalonia)
Age NaN
Job Electric technician and IT programmer
Interest(s) FlightGear, Aviation, Space, Astronautics, Astronomy, Computers, 3D Modelling
MP callsign(s) EC-CAT
Favourite aircraft
Website My Blog

Hello / Hola !!!! You are currently on MY userpage! I speak catalan Cat.gif, spanish, some english and german. Actually on this wiki we have 3,459 articles, 8,589 files and 2,203 users. Let a message on my talkpage or findme on the Forum.

About me

Costa Brava with a Vueling's A320-200

My favourite airplanes

Hmm... there are many...


Scenery projects


In the FlightGear Wiki

Translation and Maintenance for catalan and spanish

1rightarrow.png See my contributions for the main article about this subject.