Piper Aerostar

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Aerostar 700
Aerostar Super 700
Aerostar Super 700
The cockpit of an Aerostar 700
The cockpit of an Aerostar 700
Type Civil utility aircraft, Light aircraft
Configuration Low wing aircraft, Retractable gear aircraft, Tricycle landing gear aircraft
Propulsion Piston aircraft, Twin-engine aircraft
Manufacturer Piper
Author(s) Syd Adams
--aircraft= aerostar700
Status Early production
 FDM Stars-5.png
 Cockpit Stars-5.png
 Model Stars-5.png
 Website The website for the Aerostar 700 developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Aerostar 700.
Download Download the Aerostar 700 aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

The Piper Aerostar or Ted Smith Aerostar is an American twin-engined propeller-driven executive or light transport aircraft, designed by Ted R. Smith. It was originally built by Ted Smith Aircraft Company, which after 1987 became part of the Piper Aircraft Corporation.


Currently only one variant is modeled in FlightGear:

  • 700 Superstar: prototype of stretched fuselage variant with two IO-540M engines

Aircraft help

This mini-howto is based on my personal experience flying this beautiful plane (sadly, only in FlightGear, never in real life...).

Please feel free to add content or correct whatever you think is wrong.

Start up

  • Turn on the battery switch and both alternators. The switches are the first 3 from the left of the panel.
  • Start the engines turning the engine switches to the right (press ctrl-c to see the hotspots), and keep them pressed until the engine start.
  • If starting with a button on the joystick, switch to "Both" mags on the starter switches first.

Take off

Because of the small wing area of the Aerostar, it's not recommended to take off without flaps. The airplane will seem to roll forever!

  • Flaps: 20° (2nd notch) or 30° (3rd notch), depending on field length.
  • Throttle: Full
  • Propeller: High RPM.
  • Mixture: Rich
  • Rotate: 80-100 kts depending on flaps settings.

Let the aircraft accelerate past 140 kts before retracting flaps.


  • Flaps: up
  • Throttle: 32~35 ingh
  • Propeller: 2500~2600 rpm
  • Mixture: reduce until fuel flow is around 32gph
  • Climb Rate: 1500~1700 fpm @160~180 kts

With full throttle and propeller, a climb rate of 2000+ fpm can be attained.


Level the plane at desired altitude and trim the elevator. You should get to 217+ kts in no time ;-)


Due to the small wing area and the high speed of this airplane, early speed reduction is a must.

Slowly, reduce throttle to (almost)idle and pitch up to reduce speed without loosing too much altitude. Around 190 kts, start applying flaps (up to the 3rd notch).

Try to keep a descent rate of 1500~2000 fps and speed around 150 kts.


A circuit-landing on a short strip:

  • 140 kts at downwind, leveled, flaps at 30° (3rd notch), mixture rich and propeller at full RPM.
  • Apply full flaps, and reach base with 125 kts before turn.
  • Reduce power and pitch up to reach final at 110 kts.
  • Touch down at 90~100 kts.

On a longer strip, you could do a similar procedure without applying full flaps (ie: at 30°), reaching final arround 130 kts, and touch down at 120kts.


Tested with FG 1.9.1. Works but cannot disconnect autopilot from ailerons once activated. Must re-test and see Openflight 21:11, 17 May 2012 (EDT)

External Links