Piper Cherokee Warrior II

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Piper Cherokee Warrior II (1979 model)
Piper Cherokee Warrior II.png
Cockpit screenshot
Cockpit screenshot
Type Civil utility aircraft, Light aircraft
Configuration Low wing aircraft
Propulsion Piston aircraft, Single-engine aircraft
Manufacturer Piper
Author(s) David Megginson
--aircraft= pa28-161
Status Unknown
 Website The website for the Piper Cherokee Warrior II (1979 model) developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Piper Cherokee Warrior II (1979 model).
Download Download the Piper Cherokee Warrior II (1979 model) aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

The Piper PA-28 Cherokee is a family of light aircraft designed for flight training, air taxi and personal use, built by Piper Aircraft. In 1978, Piper upgraded the Warrior to 160 horsepower (119 kW) PA-28-161, changing its name to Cherokee Warrior II. This same aircraft, now available with a glass cockpit, is available as the Warrior III, and is marketed as a training aircraft.

Aircraft help

Key Function
f fuel tank select
~ toggle nav lights
! toggle master battery switch
@ toggle toggle master alternator switch
# toggle fuel pump
$ toggle landing lights
% toggle rotating beacon
^ toggle anti-collision lights
* toggle pitot heat
( turn on and/or decrease panel lights
9 increase and/or turn off panel lights
h toggle carburator heat
Ctrl+P toggle primer pump
B toggle parking brake
s starter
  • All switches and controls (except yoke and pedals) can be operated via "hot-spots".
  • Type Ctrl-C to display mouse "hot-spots".


  1. fuel on most full main ("f" toggles selector on left side)
  2. all toggles OFF
  3. battery master switch to ON ("!" toggles battery master switch)
  4. alternator master switch to ON ("@" toggles battery master switch)
  5. electric fuel pump ON ("#" toggles fuel pump switch)
  6. operate primer pump three times then locked (ctrl-P cycles primer)
  8. key to start ("s" engages starter)
  9. pitot heat ON if IFR ("*" toggles pitot heat switch)
  10. beacon ("%"), nav lights ("~"), strobe lights ("^") ON as required
  11. landing light if night ("$" toggles landing light switch)
  12. release parking brake ("B" releases brake)


Takeoff check list on panel.

Normal field

Flaps: Up Throttle: Full open Rotate: 55-60 Kts

Short field

Flaps: 25 degrees (2nd notch) Apply brakes Full Throttle Release brakes Rotate -- 52 Kts Climb Speed -- 52 Kts (Vx) Flaps: Retract after obstacles clear & reaching 79 Kts


87 Kts Full throttle


Landing check list on panel.

Normal field

  • Fuel Pump: On
  • Airspeed: Downwind, 85 Kts; base, 75 Kts; final, 65 Kts
  • Flaps: Downwind, 10°; base, 25°; final, 40°

Short Field

  • Fuel Pump: On
  • Airspeed: Downwind, 75 Kts; base, 65 Kts; final, 63 Kts
  • Flaps: Downwind, 10°; base, 25°; final, 40°
  • Throttle: Idle after clearing obstacles
  • Flaps: Retract immedatialy
  • Control Yoke: Hold full aft

Go around

  • Pitch: Up
  • Throttle: Full open
  • Carb Heat: off
  • Flaps: retract to 25 degrees
  • Airspeed: 63 Kts
  • Flaps: retract slowly after clearing obstacles and reaching 79 Kts
  • Climb Speed: 79 Kts (Vy)

V Speeds[1]

  • Vr: 60 Kts
  • Vx: 63 Kts
  • Vy: 79 Kts
  • Vs1: 50 Kts
  • Vso: 44 Kts
  • Vg: 73 Kts
  • Va: 88-111 Kts
  • Vno: 126 Kts
  • Vfe: 103 Kts
  • Vfinal: 65 Kts
  • Vne: 160 Kts
  • Max. Crosswind: 17 Kts

General Characteristics

  • Crew: one pilot
  • Capacity: three passengers
  • Length: 23.8 feet (7.3 m)
  • Wingspan: 35.0 feet (10.7 m)
  • Height: 7.3 feet (2.25 m)
  • Empty weight: 1,480 lb (671 kg) for this specific plane
  • Maximum gross weight: 2,325 lb (1,055 kg) or *2,440 lb (1,107 kg),* depending on model year and STC
  • Useful load: 960 lb (436 kg) for this specific plane
  • Full-fuel useful load: 672 lb (305 kg) for this specific plane
  • Max takeoff weight: 2,325 lb (1,055 kg) or 2,440 lb (1,107 kg), depending on model year and STC
  • Powerplant: 1× Lycoming O-320-D3G Sensenich 74DM6-0-60, 160 hp (119 kW)
  • Propeller diameter: 74 inches (1.9 m)


  • Cruise speed (TAS):
    • 75% power, 8,000 ft, ROP, wheel fairings installed: 127 knots (146 mph 235 km/h)
  • Stall speed (IAS):
    • 40° flaps: 44 knots (51 mph, 82 km/h)
    • no flaps: 50 knots(58 mph, 93 km/h)
  • Range:
    • 55% power, 8,000 ft, LOP, no reserve: 695 nm (800 sm, 1,287 km)
    • 75% power, 8,000 ft, ROP, no reserve: 580 nm (668 sm, 1,074 km)
  • Service ceiling: 14,300 feet (4400 m)
  • Rate of climb:
    • sea level, 2335 lb: 710 ft/min (3.6 m/s)

Development status/Issues/Todo


  • propeller is not visible (transparent) when rotating
    • (dpm) IRL, I find the propeller effectively transparent to the human eye at cruise RPMs (>= 2100 rpm); a camera will catch it, though
  • flaps are moving in steps, they are not fluxional animated
    • (dpm) the animation would have to be very fast -- they're not electrical flaps like in the 172, but operated by a manual bar, so a change in flap position would be < 0.25 seconds (as fast as your arm can pull)
    • (dpm) the flaps should make a metallic "clunk" noise rather than an electrical "whirr" noise when being changed
  • wings and wheels are not textured

3D Cockpit:

  • cockpit instruments look flat, they don't have a 3d look
  • cockpit is not textured
  • no pilot or co pilot present

External links

  1. Piper Warrior Checklists. Published by Danbury Flight School.
  2. Piper Cherokee Warrior II Information Manual, 1981