Schleicher ASK 13

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Schleicher ASK 13 Glider
ASK 13 over Corsica.jpg
Aerotowing ask13 2.png
Type Glider aircraft
Propulsion Unpowered aircraft
Manufacturer Schleicher
Author(s) Patrice Poly
--aircraft= ask13
Status Early-production
Supports Dual control
 Website The website for the Schleicher ASK 13 Glider developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Schleicher ASK 13 Glider.
Download Download the Schleicher ASK 13 Glider aircraft package for the current stable release (2020.3).
License GPLv2+

The Schleichter ASK 13 is a two-seater glider that was built by Alexander Schleicher. It was and still is widely used for ab-initio training of glider pilots.

You can find more details about this awesome aircraft at Wikipedia.

The FlightGear model of the ASK-13 comes with a basic dual control support. So far this is only a passive passenger view, but yet an instructor can be with his student and help newcomers to discover the joys of soaring by real time piloting advices.

Development status/Issues/Todo


  • texturing is very basic


  • Dual Control is now limited to a simple , passive passenger view.
  • Passenger view has a very limited audio support.
  • FDM is relatively accurate, but could be fine tuned. Testers are welcome !

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