Dassault Mirage 2000-5

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Note  The new JSBsim version is now in master.
Mirage 2000-5
Mirage2000-5 one seat grey livery.png
Mirage2000-5 cockpit.png
Type Fighter aircraft, Interceptor aircraft, Military aircraft
Configuration Delta-wing aircraft
Propulsion Jet aircraft, Single-engine aircraft
Manufacturer Dassault
  • Emmanuel Baranger (3D model
  • F-Sig (3D model, systems)
  • 5H1N0B1 (Weapons, systems)
  • Richard Harrison (FDM)
  • hardball (3D model)
  • Josh Davidson (FCS, FBW, Autopilot)
--aircraft= m2000-5
Status Production
 FDM Stars-4.png
 Systems Stars-4.png
 Cockpit Stars-4.png
 Model Stars-4.png
 Website The website for the Mirage 2000-5 developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Mirage 2000-5.
Download Download the Mirage 2000-5 aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

The Dassault Mirage 2000-5 is a French multirole, single-engine fourth-generation jet fighter manufactured by Dassault Aviation. An improvement of the Mirage 2000, it was improved by Thomson-CSF (now Thales Group) in the early 1990s in response to the Mirage 2000's ageing compared to the latest F-16 fighter models.

Improvements over the Mirage 2000 include the capability to carry a laser designator pod, new pulse-doppler multi-target radar, new defensive systems, and updated avionics, including a night vision-compatible glass cockpit, wide-angle HUD, and HOTAS controls.

Coming into service with the French Air Force (Armée de l'Air), and exported to several countries, Dassault further improved it by creating the Mirage 2000-5 Mark 2 This is a link to a Wikipedia article, the most advanced of all Mirage 2000s.

Keyboard Controls

Key Function
d Open/close canopy (3 positions : opened, closed and half-opened)
e Fire weapon
Shift+e Parachute (landing)
Shift+j Jettison tank
Shift+t Toggle ECM & RWR
t Change radar distances (10, 20 50, 100, 150)
Shift+r Activate/deactivate targeting the nearest in the HUD (the target has to be bellow radar range)
Shift+h Toggle armament circles
} On/off Engines (autostart)
l Flare out
Shift+l Landing lights
n Next target
Ctrl+n Previous target
Ctrl+b Air brake
w Cycle stick weapon mode selector


mirage 2000-5's colored afturburner at night

General characteristics

  • Crew: 1
  • Length: 14.36 m (47 ft 1 in)
  • Wingspan: 9.13 m (29 ft)
  • Height: 5.20 m (17 ft)
  • Wing area: 41 m2 (441.3 ft2)


  • Empty weight: 7,500 kg (16,350 lb)
  • Loaded weight: 13,800 kg (30,420 lb)
  • Max. takeoff weight: 17,000 kg (37,500 lb)


  • Powerplant: 1 x SNECMA M53-P2 afterburning turbofan
    • Dry thrust: 64.3 kN (14,500 lbf)
    • Thrust with afterburner: 95.1 kN (21,400 lbf)


  • Maximum speed:
    • High altitude: Mach 2.2 (2,530+ km/h, 1,500+ mph)
    • Low altitude: 1,110 km/h (690 mph)
  • Range: 1,550 km (837 nmi, 963 mi) with drop tanks
  • Ferry range: 3,335 km (1,800 nmi, 2,073 mi) with auxiliary fuel
  • Service ceiling: 17,060 m (59,000 ft)
  • Rate of climb: 285 m/s (56,000 ft/min)
  • Wing loading: 337 kg/m2 (69 lb/ft2)
  • Thrust/weight: 0.91
  • Roll Rate: 270 deg/sec
  • G limits: +9.0 g / -3.2 g (override mode: 11 g, structural limit: 12 g)



some mirage 2000-5's air-air weapons

Available weapons for FlightGear's Mirage 2000-5 are as follows:

  • Guns: 2 x 30 mm (1.18 in) DEFA 554 revolver cannon, 125 rounds per gun

How to fire a guided missile

  1. Select your missile on the graphical MFD, with the top button of the left series button.
  2. Then, select your weapon mode with w (cycles through nothing, guns, missiles)
  3. Press Shift+r to activate radar illumination.
  4. Acquire your target.
  5. Fire with e.
Note  Due to the generic missile script, FlightGear's Mirage 2000-5 can carry missiles not carried on the aircraft in real life. For a list of weapons available to the aircraft in real life, please see Dassault Mirage 2000#Specifications (Mirage 2000C) This is a link to a Wikipedia article.
Caution  It is a bad idea to fire a missile while under negative G.


The Mirage is capable of mid-air refueling. You can enter the desired TACAN code into the right MFD (see second video), and then use both radar and the TACAN to guide you in.


The radar has 5 ranges (10, 20, 50, 100, and 150 nm) which can be switched with t. It can identify multiple targets and show some information about them.


The HUD shows both potential targets and the locked target. It also shows if the undercarriage is extended, the distance to the ground if the altitude is below 5,000 feet, and the Mach speed if the aircraft is going faster than Mach 0.8.

Dual seat in Multiplayer Mode

You can flight in the back seat as a passenger in Multiplayer mode This is under development, the goal is to make the mirage 2000 Dual Control ready !

how to test multiplayer on same PC ?

  • run flightgear with parameters :
--aircraft=m2000-5B          --multiplay=out,10,,5000 --multiplay=in,10,,5001 --callsign="PILOT" --prop:/sim/remote/pilot-callsign="NOSA"
  • run another instance with parameters :
--aircraft=m2000-5B-backseat --multiplay=out,10,,5001 --multiplay=in,10,,5000 --callsign="NOSA"  --prop:/sim/remote/pilot-callsign="PILOT"
mirage 2000-5 multiplayer dual seat

FYI : NOSA (Navigateur Officier Systèmes d'Armes) mean Weapons Systems Officer Navigator.

Sky Knights Squadron textbook

I. Weapons use

FOX-3: MICA-EM: under 40 NM, choose the radar range just above your enemy's distance. Comparable to AIM-120, but better at a shorter distance. Extremely maneuverable due to thrust vectoring.

FOX-1: Super 530D: under 25 NM, rather precise at close range too. Slightly better than the AIM-7.

FOX-2: MICA-IR: use under 20 NM, target must be locked with radar. Very useful in dogfights because of its superiority towards the AIM-9. Extremely maneuverable due to thrust vectoring. Magic II: under 7 NM, target must be locked with radar. Corrects trajectory every 2/10th of second, rather precise, but inferior to AIM-9.

Guns: 125 rounds, don't waste them by shooting above 1000 meters, shoot at close range only when you have a solution. In a fight against several enemies, you can't be winchester.

WARNING against aircraft like the F-15, the Mirage has a slight disadvantage (less missiles) and it's better if you can go nearer and engage dogfight, in which the Mirage outturns many fighters.


The Mirage has a very good turn rate, which means you can keep on with full reheat for several minutes in a high-G turn. Against a fighter like the JA-37 or the F-15, it is recommended to enter a two-circle fight. Against better turning aircraft such as the F-16, it is recommended to choose a one-circle fight. When merging with your opponent, it is suggested to throttle up 1 or 2 nautical miles before crossing your enemy, as the engine is a bit slow in response time. Also, the Mirage tends to lose lots of speed when turning: since it is a delta wing, it is basically a flying airbrake. Don't waste energy by climbing high, because you lose speed and offer a still target for your enemy. The Mirage 's turn rate is best around 250-350kts, and you should have full reheat to keep on turning. If you stay close to the ground (where the Mirage is very manoeuverable), the other pursuing you might crash, but pay attention to your speed, if you stall, there’s no way you can regain your speed before crashing at low altitude. Although against other good aircraft at low level, such as the Viggen, it is better to push them to the stall in a one circle fight, as it is slightly under-powered and a formidable opponent at low altitude.

III. Checklist for a dogfight


  • Check fuel
  • Switch the battery on
  • Turn on both alternators
  • Turn on the transformator
  • Switch the cut-off and secure it
  • Switch the left and right (G and D) pumps to “M”
  • Switch the “VENT ON”
  • Open the protection of the starter
  • Check that the BP button has been switched
  • Press the starter during 1 second
  • Press the fuel P button
  • Wait about 30 seconds for the fuel pumps to reach the correct level
  • Open the guard and switch the start selector to ON, the engines will spool up
  • Deselect the Fuel P

The engines are now idle, you can go on to the next part of the tutorial.


  • Close the canopy
  • Turn on A/C and set it to 16.9 – 18°C by turning the knob (WARNING: F=froid=cold and C=chaud=hot)
  • Select flight mode to TO
  • Set transponder according to your mission
  • Set the right MFD according to your mission (compass; radio; RWR; engine dialog; map)
  • Set the navigation dialog according to your mission
  • Reload flares and guns
  • Toggle multiplayer shot report
  • Remove automatic missile view
  • Select payload


  • Set link16 accordingly if you have wingmen
  • Master arm on
  • Set the right MFD to RWR
  • Radar active set at the correct distance
  • MICA-EM selected for BVR, guns for WVR
  • FOV 100-120°, looking up a bit so that you keep eye contact with your opponent in dogfight, but keep sight of your RWR
  • Turn the pilot cam view slightly up and decrease FOV so you have a wide angle
  • If incoming missile, launch a few flares/chaffs and push nose down so the missile, anticipating your movements, will crash to the ground. Other missile evading techniques also valid.
  • Try to engage dogfight, as the Mirage is one of the best in this category
  • Try to break off the fight before the bingo. A fight is won when you are back at your base, safe on ground, and the other is down. It’s no use winning if you crash to the ground after this.


(en) Video showing the new features of the Mirage 2000-5 (Feb 2015 version)
(en) Video explaining how to navigate and use the autopilot & MFD
(en) Little demo to explain how work the sniping pod for GBU



Liveries and logos


May 2017 version

3D model

  • a new two seats version (the mirage 2000B, N and D)
  • new HD (high definition) liveries
  • specific liveries : green digital, snow, black, etc
  • a lot of corrections on littles details (antennas, refueling pole, gears doors, intakes shades, cockpit, wheels, reddish engine) for both versions (one and two seats)
  • ground equipment


  • rain effects (sound, raindrops, effects on the fuselage)
  • shakes on high gload, mach 1
  • realistic blackout/redout


  • new improvments on fly by wire systems (the purpose is to obtain maximum realism when flying : pitch limitations on high gload or high angle of attack, pitch and roll limitations when airbrakes are active)
  • more stability with an "auto-trim system"
  • new realistic radar with ground and doppler effects
  • new instruments
  • canvas nav-display
  • partial canvas hud : radar detected targets are designed on the hud

Weapons and stores

  • more realistic weapons to dogfight OPRF team : realistic damages, counter measures, missile trajectory
  • new weapons or 3d improvment for : matra mica IR, mica EM, magic, exocet
  • liveries on external tanks
  • inert pod : PDLCT (pod de designation laser - camera thermique)

Feb 2015 version

3D model

  • Several more instrument in the cockpit, including startup instrument, and light variator instruments.
  • New, more realistic gun explosion.
  • New, more realistic missile explosion.
  • New afterburner flames that take differents colors, depending on the sun position.
  • New Rembrandt light effects in the cockpit.
  • New rule about each instrument's light effects
  • Possibility to hide the pilot model when in the cockpit.
  • Deactivate the temporary non-Rembrandt shadow, because it had a big MP issue and did not allow a correct dogfight.
  • New exhaust.
  • Separated livery & logos. Logos are now independent of the livery.


  • Center MFD can switch between old version and Canvas NavDisplay version.
  • Working startup procedure.
  • Working cockpit light variator.
  • Utilisation of the <usage> tag.


  • You can now create a ground target, by clicking on the ground and then clicking "Create a Target" in the "Mirage 2000 > Fast Config" menu.


  • Centralised function launch and update instead of multiple separate loops/listeners.
  • Loads are now visible over MP.

August 2013 version

  • Much better autopilot (see video).
  • Multi-page MFDs.
  • Radio management on the right MFD.
  • An EICAS page.
  • Cockpit general graphics are improved.
  • A weapons selection page on the left MFD.
  • Better sound and missile script improved.
  • Working alert panel.
  • New clock
  • And lots of other stuff not listed here...



  • High-resolution liveries. Done Done
  • Throttle stick, gear green/red light, jettison all button. Done Done
  • Add some "ground" feature (equipment, external power). Done Done
  • Modify exterior pylons shade. Done Done
  • Modelize stick. Done Done
  • Modelize rudder pedals Not done Not done
  • Modify cockpit 3d model (single and dual seat). Done Done
  • Homogenize instruments texture and materials. Done Done
  • Smooth canopy arch. Done Done
  • Create crashed models. Not done Not done


  • Make the loads visibles in MP. Done Done
  • Dual control. Not done Not done


  • Add more clickable instruments and complete tooltips. 90}% completed
  • Complete the alert panel. 60}% completed
  • Canvas HUD. 60}% completed
  • Move flight in formation lights. Not done Not done
  • Make the RWR work. Not done Not done
  • Modelize the Inertial measurement unit Not done Not done


  • Make the start procedure more realistic. Done Done
  • Correct the radar issue due to the generic function radardist and multiplayer ATC. Done Done
  • Improve FDM. Done Done


  • Put missiles in a generic folder. Done Done
  • Improve missile models. Done Done
  • Improve the missile script. Done Done
  • Put sound on the missiles. Done Done
  • Make a working ECM (missiles have to be reworked first). Not done Not done


  • Checklist. Not done Not done
  • update help : landing, takeoff. On going


Helijah (for the 3D model), Buckaroo (for the FDM), 5HIN0B1 (for the working weapons and systems), Koubi (for the engine script), FG-TUX (for testing), Ray (for helping on the MFD), Anusil (for testing), F-Sig, Xiii (for fox2.nas, the initial missile script), the F-16 team (for the radar and HUD), the Citation X team (for the middle MFD), all those who created missile models, Niko (for the wiki page and the original ask for the project), Thomas (for the liveries), Gijs (for the wiki page), Hardball (for the two seats 3d model, the liveries, minihud and some other stuff), Leto, Richard, Swamp, FB, onox, Octal450, legoboyvdlp, Domokos Jüttner (Rudolf) (All OPRF team) and all those forgotten here (Nicolas de Lemos)…

Thanks to all.

External link