Fokker Dr.I

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Fokker Dr.I
Dr.I Dawn.png
Fokker DrI.jpg
Type Fighter aircraft, Historical aircraft
Configuration Triplane aircraft
Propulsion Piston aircraft, Single-engine aircraft
Manufacturer Fokker
  • Michael Selig (FDM)
  • Erik Hofman (3D model)
--aircraft= fkdr1
Status Production
 FDM Stars-5.png
 Systems Stars-3.png
 Cockpit Stars-4.png
 Model Stars-5.png
Supports Bombable
 Website The website for the Fokker Dr.I developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Fokker Dr.I.
Download Download the Fokker Dr.I aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

The Fokker Dr I was a triplane single piston engine aircraft.

Aircraft help

Key Description
Shift+] Magneto on
Shift+[ Magneto off
s Starter

Start up

  1. Press Shift+] to turn the magneto on.
  2. Engage full throttle.
  3. Then press and hold s until the engine catches, which may take several seconds.

Take off

  1. Before starting, zoom display out as far as possible using the Shift+x key, so that you can see the runway out of both sides of the cockpit.
  2. Start the engine according to the instructions above. As soon as the engine starts, the aircraft will start to roll down the runway. The Dr.I was not equipped with brakes.
  3. As soon as the aircraft starts to move, pull back firmly on the stick to counter the aircraft's tendency to nose over.
  4. As the aircraft picks up speed, be prepared to firmly counter the aircraft's tendency to yaw right and roll left. Countering this requires firm left rudder and right aileron, while continuing to apply firm up elevator to counter the tendency to nose over.
  5. As the aircraft starts to lift off, gently ease the stick forward so as to avoid a too-steep rate of climb. If you keep the stick pulled back the aircraft will climb too rapidly and lose airspeed, leading to an inevitable stall, roll, and crash.
  6. Similarly, be prepared to ease off the rudder and aileron as the aircraft picks up speed.


Note that that the Dr.I's engine was controlled by a combination of throttle, mixture adjustment, and "blip" switch, which disconnected the magneto and was used to cut engine power for brief periods.

In FlightGear you can use a combination of throttle and "blip" ( Shift+[ and Shift+] keys) to control engine power.

External link