Dornier Museum Friedrichshafen

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The Dornier Museum Friedrichshafen is an aerospace museum located in the German town of Friederichshafen near Lake Constance. Friedrichshafen is where the Dornier company was born.


Aircraft Closest for FG
Bell UH-1D
Br 1150 Breguet Atlantic
Canadair CL-89 (drone)
Canadair CL-289 (drone with ground station)
Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet
Dornier Merkur
Dornier Do J Wal (Replica) Dornier Do R4 Nas Superwal
Dornier Do 27
Dornier Do 28 A1
Dornier Do 28 D Skyservant
Dornier Do 29 Category:Tiltrotor aircraft
Dornier Do 31 E1 Category:Tiltrotor aircraft
Dornier Do 228
Dornier 328
Dornier Kiebitz
Fiat G.91

External links