Building FlightGear - Linux
This section describes how to build FlightGear on Linux system.
Compiling FlightGear is not a task for novice users. Thus, if you're a beginner (we all were once) on a platform which binaries are available for, we recommend postponing this task and just starting with the binary distribution to get you flying.
openSUSE also provides binary packages of the latest development version, which are continuously updated. Follow this link to select your openSUSE version and install, or manually add games:FlightGear:Unstable to your YaST Software Repositories.
Fedora has FlightGear and FlightGear-data packages in its repository. Download with dnf.
For Ubuntu, there is a PPA that provides the latest development version of FlightGear and SimGear and a recent version of FlightGear data. See this page for more info. To add the PPA, run sudo apt-add-repository ppa:saiarcot895/flightgear-edge.
Or if you develop on Ubuntu or Debian, consider trying the script described in Scripted Compilation on Linux Debian/Ubuntu.
Distro-specific instructions
- You can use the Scripted Compilation on Linux Debian/Ubuntu script to have FlightGear compiled in one shot under both Ubuntu and Debian systems.
- Debian users who prefer to build it without script may look at Building Flightgear - Debian.
- Ubuntu users can follow these instructions to build FlightGear on Ubuntu.
- Raspbian users can follow these instructions to build FlightGear on Raspbian Buster.
- Hints for Ubuntu users.
- Fedora users can follow these examples to load development packages and build FlightGear: Fedora Packages and Compiling
- Gentoo users can also use overlays to build FlightGear without much hassle: Building Flightgear - Gentoo.
CentOS users can follow these instructions to build FlightGear on CentOS 8.
Note as of 12/2017, people may have to build using at least OSG 3.4 due to some compilation issues -for details, refer to Howto:Building FlightGear without HiDPI support |
Before you can compile FlightGear, you need to have the following installed on your computer:
C++ compiler
These are: c++, g++ found under the /usr/bin
directory. You will also need to have the tools CMake installed.
See FlightGear and Git.
OpenGL support
More specifically, your system needs the support for hardware accelerated graphics. You can check for this by running the following in a command line:
$ glxinfo | grep direct
Note: To run the above command, you need to have the tool mesa-utils installed.
You should then see:
direct rendering: Yes
This means you are good to go as far as OpenGL support is concerned.
If you see:
direct rendering: No
Don't panic yet. This may just mean some required libraries for hardware accelerated graphic are missing. Go ahead and try installing plib 1.8.5 and its dependencies first. If you still get the above message, then you will need to do some googling and troubleshoot yourself.
FlightGear is dependent on quite a few number of libraries. You do not need to compile all of them yourself, but you will at least need to have their development version installed. For example, the development version for package plib1.8.5 is plib1.8.5-dev.
The dependency is summarized in the following tree. Please note that each library has its own dependencies, and most of these are not shown here.
- FlightGear
- OpenAL
- SimGear
- PLIB. Since March 2008, you will need version 1.8.5 - your distro probably supplies 1.8.4 still.
- For versions pre March 2008: (Free)GLUT or SDL (We recommend the use of SDL over Free/GLUT, however since March 2008, FreeGLUT as well as SDL are both considered deprecated, please only use
during configuration instead)
- For versions pre March 2008: (Free)GLUT or SDL (We recommend the use of SDL over Free/GLUT, however since March 2008, FreeGLUT as well as SDL are both considered deprecated, please only use
- OpenSceneGraph (check link for compatible versions)
- You also need the development files for several basic libraries to build the software, among them the following (the package names are for Debian and derivatives(?)):
- libfreetype6-dev
- libjpeg62-dev
- libungif4-dev
- libtiff4-dev
- libpng12-dev
- libxmu-dev
- libxi-dev
- zlib1g-dev
- libglut3-dev
- PLIB. Since March 2008, you will need version 1.8.5 - your distro probably supplies 1.8.4 still.
If you attack the above dependencies in the order listed below, you should be good:
- glut Most distributions include glut packages, although you may have to hunt for them. Make sure you install both the glut and glut-devel packages, otherwise FlightGear may be able to compile but won't run correctly.
- zlib Most distributions install the basic zlib libraries by default, but not the development portions. If you don't have zlib.h, you probably need to install the zlib-devel package for your distribution.
- plib Portability libraries and scene graph.
- OpenSceneGraph
- simgear Simulation support libraries. If you are building FlightGear from Git, you need the Git version of SimGear. If you have strange build errors, one of the first things to check is that you have an up-to-date version of SimGear built and installed.
The following environment variables must be set because they will be used in shell commands:
: Number of jobs for parallel compilation. For example:NR_JOBS=$(/usr/bin/nproc)
: Prefix of the FlightGear installation. For example:FGFS_PREFIX=${HOME}/FlightGear
. All the source code must be located under the directory${FGFS_PREFIX}/src
and the installation will be done under the directory${FGFS_PREFIX}
,...cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
can be replaced bycmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
for better performances.FGFS_PREFIX_LIB
: The defaultlib
directory is different between RedHat and Debian based distributions. Usually on Debian based distributions
Usually on RedHat based distributions
The source code of SimGear can be provided:
- as an official release that can be downloaded from here. The environment variable
must be set to the relevant version of SimGear, for exampleSIMGEAR_VERSION=2019.1.1
and then using the following commands to extract the source code:
cd -- "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/" SIMGEAR_SRC=${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/simgear-${SIMGEAR_VERSION} rm -Rf -- "${SIMGEAR_SRC}/" tar axvf "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/simgear-${SIMGEAR_VERSION}.tar.bz2"
- as a clone of the SimGear Git repo by using the following commands:
cd -- "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/" git clone flightgear-simgear SIMGEAR_SRC=${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/flightgear-simgear
- if you have already a clone of the SimGear Git repo, the local copy can be updated using the following commands:
cd -- "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/" SIMGEAR_SRC=${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/flightgear-simgear pushd -- "${SIMGEAR_SRC}/" git pull popd
Now that the source code of SimGear is available under the directory ${SIMGEAR_SRC}
, the build can be started using the following commands:
cd -- "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/" rm -Rf -- "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/sg_build/" mkdir -- "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/sg_build/" pushd -- "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/sg_build/" cmake "${SIMGEAR_SRC}" \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${FGFS_PREFIX}" \ -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=TRUE make --jobs=${NR_JOBS} make -- test make -- install popd rm -Rf -- "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/sg_build/"
The data for FlightGear can be provided:
- as an official release that can be downloaded from here.
rm -f -- "${FGFS_PREFIX_LIB}/FlightGear" rm -Rf -- "${FGFS_PREFIX_LIB}/FlightGear-${FLIGHTGEAR_VERSION}/" mkdir --parents -- "${FGFS_PREFIX_LIB}/FlightGear-${FLIGHTGEAR_VERSION}/" pushd -- "${FGFS_PREFIX_LIB}/FlightGear-${FLIGHTGEAR_VERSION}/" tar axvf "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/FlightGear-${FLIGHTGEAR_VERSION}-data.tar.bz2" popd pushd -- "${FGFS_PREFIX_LIB}/" ln --symbolic -- "FlightGear-${FLIGHTGEAR_VERSION}/fgdata/" FlightGear popd
- as a clone of the FlightGear Git repo by using the following commands:
pushd -- "${FGFS_PREFIX_LIB}/" git clone --depth 1 flightgear-fgdata ln --symbolic -- "flightgear-fgdata/" FlightGear popd
- if you have already a clone of the FlightGear Git repo, the local copy can be updated using the following commands:
pushd -- "${FGFS_PREFIX_LIB}/flightgear-fgdata/" git pull popd
The source code of FlightGear can be provided:
- as an official release that can be downloaded from here. The version of SimGear and FlightGear must match. The environment variable
must be set to the relevant version of FlightGear, for exampleFLIGHTGEAR_VERSION=2019.1.1
and then using the following commands to extract the source code:
cd -- "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/" FLIGHTGEAR_SRC=${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/flightgear-${FLIGHTGEAR_VERSION} rm -Rf -- "${FLIGHTGEAR_SRC}/" tar axvf "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/flightgear-${FLIGHTGEAR_VERSION}.tar.bz2"
- as a clone of the FlightGear Git repo by using the following commands:
cd -- "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/" git clone flightgear-flightgear FLIGHTGEAR_SRC=${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/flightgear-flightgear
- if you have already a clone of the FlightGear Git repo, the local copy can be updated using the following commands:
cd -- "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/" FLIGHTGEAR_SRC=${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/flightgear-flightgear pushd -- "${FLIGHTGEAR_SRC}/" git pull popd
Now that the source code of FlightGear is available under the directory ${FLIGHTGEAR_SRC}
, the build can be started using the following commands:
cd -- "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/" rm -Rf -- "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/fg_build/" mkdir -- "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/fg_build/" pushd -- "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/fg_build/" cmake "${FLIGHTGEAR_SRC}" \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${FGFS_PREFIX}" \ -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=TRUE \ -DENABLE_FGQCANVAS=ON make --jobs=${NR_JOBS} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${FGFS_PREFIX_LIB}/ FG_ROOT=${FGFS_PREFIX_LIB}/FlightGear make --jobs=${NR_JOBS} -- test_suite FG_ROOT=${FGFS_PREFIX_LIB}/FlightGear make -- test make -- install popd rm -Rf -- "${FGFS_PREFIX}/src/fg_build/"
External links
- MinGW/cross-compiler
- CodeBlocks IDE
- OpenSUSE 10.1 10.2
- MSVC7 *.Net
- MSVC8 aka Visual 2005
- Mac OS X
Important note for GIT users
As of latest development in GIT, only cmake is now required for building both SimGear and FlightGear. So if you build GIT (for what any reason) please don't try to use as it is removed from repository.
For detailed instructions, see page Building using cmake.