Bombardier CRJ700 series

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Bombardier CRJ700 series
The Bombardier CRJ700
The Bombardier CRJ700
The 3d cockpit of the CRJ700 series
The 3d cockpit of the CRJ700 series
Type Airliner, Regional airliner
Configuration Low wing aircraft
Propulsion Jet aircraft
Manufacturer Bombardier Aerospace
  • Ryan Miller
  • Henning S.
--aircraft= CRJ700








Status Early production
 FDM Stars-3.png
 Systems Stars-3.png
 Cockpit Stars-4.png
 Model Stars-4.png
 Website The website for the Bombardier CRJ700 series developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Bombardier CRJ700 series.
Download Download the Bombardier CRJ700 series aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
Forum 'Bombardier CRJ700 series' topic on the FlightGear forum.
License GPLv2+
The cockpit at night, demonstrating night lighting capabilities
The interior cabin, also at night

The Bombardier CRJ700 series is a family of 70- to 100- seat regional jet airliners manufactured by Bombardier Aerospace. Its primary competition is the Embraer E-jet series. The family consists of the Bombardier CRJ700, CRJ900, and CRJ1000. The CRJ700 series was developed from the Bombardier CRJ200, and remains one of the most popular regional airliner series in the world.

It belongs to the few aircraft for FlightGear that feature a walk view.


  • CRJ700 - the original CRJ700
  • CRJ700ER - extended range version
  • CRJ700LR - long-range version
  • CRJ900 - the first stretch of the airframe
  • CRJ900ER - extended range version
  • CRJ900LR - long-range version
  • CRJ1000 - the final stretch of the airframe
  • CRJ1000 EuroLite - low-range/low-cost version targeted at European operators
  • CRJ1000ER - extended range version

Aircraft help

HTML documentation is included in the Docs/ folder.

Key commands

Key Function
Ctrl+B Cycle speedbrake setting
j Decrease ground lift dump setting
k Increase ground lift dump setting
Ctrl+Del Arm/disarm thrust reversers
Del Toggle thrust reversers
Ctrl+A Toggle autopilot altitude mode
Ctrl+F Engage/disengage autopilot
Ctrl+G Toggle autopilot approach mode
Ctrl+H Toggle autopilot heading mode
Ctrl+N Toggle autopilot NAV mode
Ctrl+P Set autopilot basic pitch mode
Ctrl+W Set autopilot basic heading/roll mode
F6 Cycle NAV source
Tiller/Nose gear steering
q Steer tiller left
Shift+Q Set tiller to full left
w Center tiller
Shift+W Pop up tiller dialog
e Steer tiller right
Shift+E Set tiller to full right
Walk view
r Walk forward toward view
Shift+R Run forward toward view
f Walk backwards from view
y View point down
Y View point up

Simplified procedures


CRJ700 Startup (1,2,3)
  1. Battery switch ... on
  2. APU start/stop switch ... on
  3. Bleed air source ... automatic
  4. Fuel Pumps ... enable
  5. Engine 1 thrust lever ... idle
  6. Engine 1 start sequence ... initiated
  7. Engine 2 thrust lever ... idle
  8. Engine 2 start sequence ... initiated
  9. Engine 1 electric generator ... on
  10. Engine 2 electric generator ... on
  11. APU start/stop switch ... off


  1. Flaps/slats ... 8 or 20
  2. Landing lights ... on
  3. Engine thrust modes ... TO/GA

Climb and cruise

  1. Engine thrust modes ... climb

Nominal cruise speed Mach 0.78 (0.80 for CRJ900)

Approach and landing

Remain below 250 knots below 10,000 feet at all times

  1. Thrust reversers ... armed
  2. Obey speed limits for flaps and gear extension
  3. Flaps/slats on final ... 45


  1. Parking break ... set
  2. External power ... select
  3. Engine thrust levers ... shutoff
  4. Engine 1 electric generator ... off
  5. Engine 2 electric generator ... off


The latest version is always available on the official FlightGear aircraft download page and will be committed regularly to FGAddon.

The latest development version at GitHub can also be downloaded here.

Aircraft of the Week/Month

The CRJ700 was reviewed by Thorsten R as part of the "Aircraft of the Week/Month" feature on the FlightGear Forums.


The 3d cockpit of the CRJ-700 is very detailed and contains not only functionality on the main panel but also on the central console and an overhead panel. However, as often seen, the cockpit surfaces not covered by instrumentation are very simply textured by a monochromatic grey color - a more natural texture resembling a real material with some wear and tear could add a lot here.

View image

There is a lot of functionality in the cockpit - a startup procedure using the APU is supported as well as a full set of external lights and no-smoking and seat belt signs for the passengers. A nice touch of the model is that it also contains an interior view of the cabin in which the signs can be observed. Switches and knobs are usually animated, and the clickspots are placed fairly intuitively. The MFD's all have various selectable functions.

The exterior model of the aircraft is also very nicely done, contains good animations and shows all the light switch settings in the cockpit faithfully. An option to switch livery exists as well.

View image

Flight characteristics

The FDM of the CRJ-700 is quite plausible for an airliner of its size. I haven't really tested the behaviour at the edge of the performance envelope, but during normal operations, the plane behaves well and reaches basic performance characteristics. All in all, the plane is an airliner (albeit a small one) - it turns slowly, it does not descent rapidly without picking up a lot of excess speed and all maneuvers need to be planned well in advance. Having said that, it's actually fun to fly.

I found the AP nicely tuned and able to fly turns, climb or dive at all altitudes without oscillations or weird behaviour. Unfortunately, the support for AP modes involving navaids is not as good: While I could home in on a VOR station, the AP seems to be tracking the station rather than the chosen radial, i.e. the angle under which I approached the station kept changing. Also, I was unable to intercept an ILS glideslope automatically. However, the plane can be operated well in IFR conditions just using the instruments to display the navaid signals and the heading and altitude modes of the AP to control the plane.

My personal wishlist

Fixing the AP to a more consistent behaviour with navaids would be high on my priority list - there are currently very few airliners with a well-tuned AP capable of tracking navaids. Some more natural texturing in the cockpit would also be nice. I realize that the CRJ-700 is a fairly recent addition to the aircraft repository of Flightgear - but I like where the model is going very much.

Things to experience

Try flying at night - the CRJ-700 has one of the best light concepts I've ever seen. The instrument lights are very beautifully done and can be dimmed at need, the cabin lights likewise, and all lighting is visible both from internal and external views.

Editor's note: The autopilot VOR-LOC/ILS holds have been fixed as of CRJ700 v1.0.2.

Development status/Issues/Todo

Key features

  • Startup and shutdown procedures
  • Mostly complete cockpit
  • Realistic autopilot
  • Functional flight management system (FMS), advisory-only vertical navigation system (VNAV), and control display unit (CDU)
  • Emergency procedures with ram air turbine (RAT) and auxiliary power unit (APU)
  • Small library of tutorials
  • Cockpit, cabin, and exterior model lightmaps
  • Reflection shader on the engines
  • Developed aircraft systems
  • Tiller steering system


For rating information, see Formalizing Aircraft Status.

FDM (current rating 3)

  • Make something a little more refined than my YASim solution (any JSBSim masters?)

Exterior (current rating 4)

  • Add minor elements like antennas, ram air turbine, improve gear bay texturing and geometry
  • More liveries!

Flight deck (current rating 4)

  • Improve texturing
  • Model circuit breakers

Systems (current rating 3)

  • Add more pages to EICAS

Development (section added May 2015)

D-JSB et al. work on the CRJ700 family.

Status without any particular order


  • Some bugfixes (e.g. MFD wind indicator, nav pointers, MFD symbols)
  • Removed 2D panel which depended on Boing 737-300
  • More views (cabin windows, gear)
  • OHP switches / switchlights (gimmick: implemented the light test button)
  • Details of auto pilot panel behaviour like push function of CRS and HDG
  • Modified slats/flaps indicator on EICAS
  • APU details on EICAS
  • EICAS pages for doors
  • Simulation of hydraulic system
  • EICAS pages for hydraulic system
  • Extend failures dialog (hydraulics)
  • Re-implement the electrical system (AC and DC).
  • Add cargo doors to model
  • Add APU door to model

In progress / testing

  • Update of documentation


  • Canvas implementation of glas cockpit

Canvas implementation (planed)

CRJ 700 family canvas

External links