Template:Fgaddon commit

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{{fgaddon commit}}: Missing parameter commit

The following template description is not displayed when the template is inserted in an article.


This template can be used when linking to summaries of commits for the FGAddon svn repository at SourceForge. It is a subtemplate of the master {{repo link}} template designed to link to specific version control commits.


{{fgaddon commit
| commit
| text       =

The parameters are:

Parameter Description Abbreviated
commit The commit identifier (svn revision number). This defaults to HEAD. 1 mandatory
text Text to display as the link label. t 2 optional


In this section, the following notation will be used:

Angular brackets + lower case text <xyz>
Template parameters.
Angular brackets + upper case text <XYZ>
Template constructed text.
Square brackets [xyz]
Optional text, only added if the parameter is set.
Or symbol |
The value on the left, if present, otherwise the value on the right of the symbol.


The general design is:

<cmd> <opt> [<URL> <TEXT>] <post>

Here the square brackets do not denote optional text, but will instead produce a Mediawiki link. This can be modified by setting full = 1 to produce:

<cmd> <opt> <URL> <post>

Site: SourceForge

Project page

For a normal SourceForge project page, the base URL is respectively constructed as:


SourceForge svn <URL>

For the svn repository type, the <URL> value will be:


Plain text

To create a URL or link as plain text and avoid external links, simply use the {{#tag:tagname|content}} magic word construct:

  {{repo link
  | full = 1


To use the <code> tags:

  {{repo link
  | full = 1



Auto-generated text

{{fgaddon commit | 1020}}

FGAddon commit r1020

User supplied text

Maintenance such as {{fgaddon commit | 1001 | text = removing Windows Thumbs.db files}} should not be needed.

Maintenance such as removing Windows Thumbs.db files  should not be needed.

Parameter alias

Maintenance such as {{fgaddon commit | 1001 | t = removing Windows Thumbs.db files}} should not be needed.

Maintenance such as removing Windows Thumbs.db files  should not be needed.

Numbered parameters

Maintenance such as {{fgaddon commit | 1001 | removing Windows Thumbs.db files}} should not be needed.

Maintenance such as removing Windows Thumbs.db files  should not be needed.

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