Template:Fgaddon aircraft source

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FGAddon aircraft

The following template description is not displayed when the template is inserted in an article.


This template is for creating Mediawiki links or URLs for files in the FGAddon svn version control repository. It is a subtemplate of the master {{repo link}} template designed to simplify the interface by being specific for the FGAddon repository and avoiding the need to supply the Aircraft/ directory.


{{fgaddon aircraft source
| aircraft
| path
| cmd        =
| opt        =
| protocol   =
| login      =
| type       =
| branch     =
| commit     =
| line       =
| post       =

| view       =
| text       =
| pre        =
| simplepath =
| full       =

The aircraft, path, and file parameters are unique to this template and are used to construct the parent {{repo link}} template path and text parameters. Note that the text parameter overrides file, if supplied.

Parameter Description Abbreviated
aircraft The aircraft directory name. The path is constructed as <branch>/Aircraft/<aircraft>. If empty, the path of <branch>/Aircraft/ will be used. 1 optional
path The file path following from the aircraft directory name. The full file path will be constructed as <branch>/Aircraft/<aircraft>/<path>. 2 optional
cmd An optional command line tool name + options to prepend to the URL. For example svn co. optional
opt Any additional options to show after cmd, but before the URL.
Note The separation of cmd and opt is for future non-CLI handling of a standardised set of cmd parameter values
protocol The URL protocol, for example https, http, ssh, svn. This defaults to https. optional
login The optional user login. optional
type Choose between the web interface or a direct repository link. This can be one of svn, svn web. The default is svn web. optional
branch The branch name. As tags are simply branches in SVN repositories, this parameter can also be used for svn tags. This defaults to trunk. b optional
commit The commit identifier (svn revision number). This defaults to HEAD. c | r optional
line The line number(s) of the file to display.
  • For SourceForge: Use a single line number.
l optional
post Text to append. This is forms a set with the parameter cmd and opt. For example it can represent any command line options that come after the URL. optional
view View to display:
  • For SourceForge use one of tree, log, commit, or rss. If a commit is specified (the commit parameter is set and path is not), the default is commit. Otherwise the default is tree.
v optional
text Text to display as the link label. Overrides pre. t optional
pre Prefix to a link label. optional
simplepath If set, this strips off the repository name from the URL label, leaving just the contents of the path parameter.
Note The text parameter will override this.
full If set to 1, the full URL will be shown rather than any text label. optional

Plain text

To create a URL or link as plain text and avoid external links, simply use the {{#tag:tagname|content}} magic word construct:

  {{repo link
  | full = 1


To use the <code> tags:

  {{repo link
  | full = 1



No parameters

{{fgaddon aircraft source}}

FGAddon aircraft

Aircraft given

{{fgaddon aircraft source|737-200}}


Revision number given

{{fgaddon aircraft source|ec135|c=560}}


Branch name given

{{fgaddon aircraft source|B-1B|b=release-3.6.0}}


Path and line number given

{{fgaddon aircraft source|F-15|Nasal/fox2.nas}}


{{fgaddon aircraft source|F-15|f15c-set.xml|l=8}}


Custom text

{{fgaddon aircraft source|F-15|Nasal/fox2.nas|text=The F-15's missile system}}

The F-15's missile system


Note  Preferably, the {{fgaddon aircraft url}} template should be used instead.
{{fgaddon aircraft source|F-15|Nasal/fox2.nas|full=1}}


The repository

{{fgaddon aircraft source
| text = The official FGAddon aircraft repository

The official FGAddon aircraft repository


{{fgaddon aircraft source
| wrightFlyer1903
| wrightFlyer1903-set.xml


File and a branch

{{fgaddon aircraft source
| wrightFlyer1903
| wrightFlyer1903-set.xml
| branch = branches/release-2016.1


File and a commit

{{fgaddon aircraft source
| 787-8
| Nasal/systems.nas
| commit = 1333


File and line number

{{fgaddon aircraft source
| ornithopter
| ornithopter-set.xml
| line = 13


File, line number, and commit

{{fgaddon aircraft source
| ornithopter
| ornithopter-set.xml
| commit = 3
| line   = 10


Custom label given

{{fgaddon aircraft source
| mirage2000
| mirage2000-set.xml
| text = The Mirage 2000 *-set.xml file

The Mirage 2000 *-set.xml file

Prefix of $FG_AIRCRAFT

{{fgaddon aircraft source
| SpaceShuttle
| Sounds/SpaceShuttle-Sounds.xml
| pre  = $FG_AIRCRAFT


Full path

{{fgaddon aircraft source
| CRJ700-family
| CRJ900-set.xml
| commit = 1418
| line   = 10


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