Building FlightGear - Devuan
How-To build FlightGear on Devuan GNU/Linux Stable (Daedalus). Instructions probably apply to Debian GNU/Linux Bookworm, too.
The meaning of this article is to be a short, checklist like, overview of the specific steps to compile FlightGear and components on Devuan. For more detailed information please refer to the main article Building FlightGear on Linux.
For beginners with compiling it is highly recommended to follow this guide step by step. Any modification to most of the herein used commands will cause trouble.
Requirements and Preparations
A bunch of packages (as well as some of their dependencies) are required to compile FlightGear:
su - -c "apt-get install cmake g++ gcc git make sed"
- If you prefer you might replace
. - On Debian replace
. - For VR support add package
to the list below. During installation development packages of libraries which are going to be compiled must not be installed. They can safely be re-installed after compilation. Namely these are
su - -c "apt-get remove libc-ares-dev libopenscenegraph-dev libplib-dev libsimgear-dev"
su - -c "apt-get install freeglut3-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libboost-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libdbus-1-dev libeudev-dev libevent-dev libfreetype6-dev libglew-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev liblzma-dev libopenal-dev libqt5quick5 libqt5svg5-dev librsvg2-dev libswscale-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev pkg-config qtbase5-dev qtbase5-private-dev qtdeclarative5-dev qttools5-dev zlib1g-dev"
Build and install
Some things require customisation. We'll use environment variables for them:
- FG_VERSION – The version of FlightGear to build and install. This is either
(for the bleeding edge development branch) or a release number in the formrelease/2024.1
. For a list of valid releases see here. - FG_SRC_DIR – The absolute path to the directory which is supposed to hold the source codes. In case your user belongs to the group staff,
would be an appropriate location. But any location is fine, too, e.g.$HOME/src/
. In any case the user has to have write access there. - FG_INSTALL_DIR – The absolute path to where FlightGear is going to be installed. Again,
is appropriate, if your user belongs to staff. But any location where the user has write access is ok, e.g.$HOME/FlightGear/
# Examples, adapt to your own needs: export FG_VERSION=release/2024.1 #OR# export FG_VERSION=next export FG_SRC_DIR=$HOME/src/ export FG_INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/FlightGear/
- Remember to export these variables in each console you use in the process.
From here on it should™ be possible to just copy and paste the entire content of each code box at once into the console.
# Create specified directories if they do not exist: mkdir -p $FG_SRC_DIR mkdir -p $FG_INSTALL_DIR
For more/advanced cmake options and SimGear's and FlightGear's optional features see the cmake article.
Do not mix versions for SimGear, FlighGear and fgdata! Mixing versions will almost certainly break the installation.
This step is only required to compile FlightGear 'next':
cd $FG_SRC_DIR git clone libc-ares.git cd libc-ares.git git checkout v1.34.2 mkdir -p $FG_SRC_DIR/build-c-ares && cd $FG_SRC_DIR/build-c-ares cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$FG_INSTALL_DIR" $FG_SRC_DIR/libc-ares.git make -j$(nproc) make install
While just installing package libplib-dev should work, it's recommended to build it from source. In this case libplib-dev must not be installed during the installation process of Simgear and Flightgear!
cd $FG_SRC_DIR git clone git:// libplib.git cd libplib.git echo "1.8.6" > version sed s/PLIB_TINY_VERSION\ \ 5/PLIB_TINY_VERSION\ \ 6/ -i src/util/ul.h git commit --all --message "Increase tiny version to 6." mkdir -p $FG_SRC_DIR/build-plib && cd $FG_SRC_DIR/build-plib cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="$FG_INSTALL_DIR" $FG_SRC_DIR/libplib.git make -j$(nproc) make install
To compile FlightGear release version branch release/2024-build
is required, for FlightGear next branch next
if [ "$FG_VERSION" = "release/2024.1" ]; then export FG_OSG_VERSION=release/2024-build; fi if [ "$FG_VERSION" = "next" ]; then export FG_OSG_VERSION=next; fi
cd $FG_SRC_DIR git clone FG-OpenSceneGraph.git cd FG-OpenSceneGraph.git git checkout $FG_OSG_VERSION mkdir -p $FG_SRC_DIR/build-osg && cd $FG_SRC_DIR/build-osg cmake -D LIB_POSTFIX="" -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="$FG_INSTALL_DIR" $FG_SRC_DIR/FG-OpenSceneGraph.git make -j$(nproc) make install
cd $FG_SRC_DIR git clone simgear.git cd simgear.git git checkout $FG_VERSION mkdir -p $FG_SRC_DIR/build-sg && cd $FG_SRC_DIR/build-sg cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="$FG_INSTALL_DIR" $FG_SRC_DIR/simgear.git make -j$(nproc) make install
FlightGear data
mkdir -p $FG_INSTALL_DIR/share && cd $FG_INSTALL_DIR/share git clone fgdata cd fgdata git checkout $FG_VERSION
FlightGear source
cd $FG_SRC_DIR git clone flightgear.git cd flightgear.git git checkout $FG_VERSION mkdir -p $FG_SRC_DIR/build-fg && cd $FG_SRC_DIR/build-fg cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D FG_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D FG_DATA_DIR:PATH="$FG_INSTALL_DIR/share/fgdata" -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="$FG_INSTALL_DIR" $FG_SRC_DIR/flightgear.git make -j$(nproc) make install
Trial run and finishing process
When all the builds are done and the data download has finished it is time for a test run. In case your FG_INSTALL_DIR is /usr/local/
, just run fgfs --launcher
In case it's anywhere else on the system, things are a tad more complicated:
- The
binary needs to find our self compiled libraries at runtime and therefore we have to tell the linker (ld) where to find them. That is what the first line here does. - Since $PATH most likely does not cover the FG_INSTALL_DIR, the full path to the fgfs binary is required to run it.
- Even though it's a tad more laborious than installing it to
, this approach has the advantage of easlily managing several FlightGear installations.
To make it permanent and less complicated one option would be to create an alias:
echo -e "alias fgfs='LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$FG_INSTALL_DIR/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH $FG_INSTALL_DIR/bin/fgfs' \n" >> $HOME/.bashrc source $HOME/.bashrc
- Now running
fgfs --launcher
will start the simulator.
To keep the source code git repos up to date have a look at our git for laymen section.
To uninstall Flightgear and its components from e.g. /usr/local/
, run make uninstall
inside each software's build directory:
cd $FG_SRC_DIR/build-fg && make uninstall cd $FG_SRC_DIR/build-sg && make uninstall cd $FG_SRC_DIR/build-osg && make uninstall; rm -R $FG_SRC_DIR/lib/osgPlugins-3.6.5 rm -RI $FG_INSTALL_DIR/include/plib; rm $FG_INSTALL_DIR/lib/libplib*.a rm -RI $FG_INSTALL_DIR/share/fgdata
Please report issues or any kind of feedback to the talk page.