Blacklist add-on
Warning Aircraft using the Emesary multiplayer damage system will take damage from ignored pilots when both have multiplayer damage enabled.. |
Started in | 13 November 2024 |
Contributor(s) | Johan G, pinto, Warty |
Status | mature |
Website | |
The Blacklist add-on will every few seconds automatically ignore pilots that are listed either in a text file with callsigns or a text file with multiplayer models.
This can be useful for example if there often are trolls using the same callsigns, or if there are heavy models, or models breaking things.
For installation instructions, see Addon#Installing and using an addon.
Blacklist files
Note The files must end with an empty line. Otherwise the last callsign or model in the list will not be ignored. |
The files with callsigns and models to ignore are:
The callsigns and multiplayer models should be as listed in the Pilot List dialog.
When starting FlightGear with the add-on installed the files will be created it they do not exist.
If you edit them during a FlightGear session you can reload them using Main Menu > Blacklist > Reload or create blacklists.
Known issues
Taking multiplayer damage
Tip Do not feed the trolls. Ignore the trolls. |
The Emesary multiplayer damage system used in some aircraft do not take into account if an aircraft is ignored or not. If both of you have multiplayer damage enabled your aircraft will take damage, even though you can not see the other aircraft.
There are basically two ways around this:
- Do not fly with multiplayer damage always on, or at least not if you are not interested in fighting trolls.
- Change to a private multiplayer server (and do not communicate the change over multiplayer chat or some other way the troll could see or hear).
The blacklist add-on is based on a Nasal module by pinto, which in turn was based on a snippet by Warty in a FlightGear forum topic, most likely this one .
Pinto had sometimes talked about making an add-on of the Nasal module, but after a couple of years I did this one.
Related content
Forum topics
- Blacklist add-on
- Trolls
Warty's snippet.