Rockwell B-1B Lancer

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Rockwell B-1B Lancer
Type Military aircraft
Author(s) Markus Zojer, Paul Jay Schrenker, NC-687, Zorka, Eagle01, Marsdolphin
Status Early production
 FDM Stars-3.png
 Systems Stars-3.png
 Cockpit Stars-4.png
 Model Stars-4.png
 Repository The development repository of the Rockwell B-1B Lancer.

The Rockwell B-1B Lancer is a four-engine supersonic variable-geometry swing-wing, jet-powered strategic bomber used by the United States Air Force (USAF).

Aircraft Help


  1. Switch on Battery switch (overhead/middle)
  2. Start APU left and/or right (overhead/right) by switching APU MODE L/R to on/start
    NOTE: use one of the points below!
    • Couple left and right drive by switching L/R DRIVE to 2/4 ADS COUPLE
    • Switch on L/R BLEED AIR. If only 1 APU active, switch to CRSVR AIR to start engines in the other nacelle
  3. Switch on Engines (middle console/back)
    NOTE: APU left powers engines 1,2 APU right -->3,4
  4. Switch APU off when engines are on, or after climb

Terrain Following Systems TER FLW

  1. Adjust clearance SET CLR (200ft increments)
    • ...A=0, B=200ft, C=400ft, D=600ft to J=2000ft
    • ...flatlands: down to 200ft, hills: 400/600ft
    • ...mountains: 800ft and above
  2. switch -PRTY- to TER FLW (other setting MAP)
  3. Toggle master switch TER FLW on

(buggy, often causes fatal errors)

A takeoff with the afterburners on

Terrain Avoidance Systems TER AVD

  1. Adjust obstacle clearance CLR PLN
    • ...possible settings: 0, 100, 300, 500, 1000ft
  2. Adjust distance RNG, currently 2.5 or 5nm
  3. Toggle master switch TER AVD on plane clears obstancle, stays at new alt

Fuel Center of Gravity Management System FCGMS

  1. Set CG SET to %MAC of desire also visible at %MAC scale as orange marker
  2. Switch SYS to ON CG %MAC visible as white marker works only within a certain margin, then orange and white marker are at same %MAC

Weapons Operation

  1. Make sure you load up your weapons from the dialog ( B-1b > Weapon/Fuel Management). You can't do this in-air!
  2. Switch to the OSO view (ctl+v). You'll see three screens:
    1. Top right one shows all of the bombs, their ARM/SAFE status, and time to drop.
    2. Top left one shows where your target(s) are (symbolized by a yellow circle(s))
    3. Bottom one is your IKB, through which you can set/modify the coords of targets.
  3. To Arm the bombs, select the bay you want to arm (Three verticaly-arranged buttons, labeled FWD (forward bay), ITMD (intermediate/middle bay), and AFT (Aft/rear bay)), click the number on the rightmost numpad of the bomb you want to arm, and click the ARM button on the far right of the OSO station
    1. If you want to, disarm the bomb for any reason, select the respective number and press the SAFE button, under it.
  4. Now that you've armed your bombs, you have three ways to select a target: via the IKB display, through the TGP, or by the Targetting Computer dialog.
    1. IKB: use the arrows to select the number position, then input the numbers using the left numpad. Position 0 is reserved for the - sign, use 0/1 to toggle that.
    2. TGP: r/R to select the rack, cursor click to mark the target, t to save it.
    3. Dialog: Manually input lat/lon for each rack.
  5. To release, press BOMB under the STEER Category (Panel on left side of the OSO station), and the rightmost BOMB button under BOMB/NAV category.
  6. Make sure to open the Bay doors (Lower/right part of OSO station, click the buttons to open)!
  7. If none of this made sense (which it probably won't, so don't get disappointed), see here:

See Also

Convair B-58

External links