APM 20 Lionceau

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APM 20 Lionceau
Image requested
Type Civil utility aircraft, Light aircraft
Configuration Low wing aircraft
Propulsion Propeller aircraft
Manufacturer Issoire Aviation
  • Emmanuel Baranger (3D)
  • Sebastien Marque (FDM, panel)
  • Pierre Geoffroy (FDM)
  • Laurent Hayvel (Texture)
--aircraft= lionceau
Status Early production
 FDM Stars-3.png
 Systems Stars-3.png
 Cockpit Stars-4.png
 Model Stars-4.png
 Hangar Helijah hangar
 Website The website for the APM 20 Lionceau developments.
 Repository The development repository of the APM 20 Lionceau.
Download Download the APM 20 Lionceau aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

The APM 20 Lionceau is a two-seat very light aircraft manufactured by the French manufacturer Issoire Aviation. Despite its classic appearance, it is entirely built from composite materials, especially carbon fibers.

Aircraft help


1rightarrow.png See Immatriculation for the main article about this subject.

The user is able to choose a desired callsign which will be shown on the tail of the aircraft and in the cockpit. To change it, go to Robin APM 20 Lionceau > Immatriculation and fill in a new callsign.

External link