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CDU Upgrade

This section reports of recent development and upgrade of the 787-8 CDU Nasal code, putting more light on past reports of the good progress made with the new design and algorithm that fragments the data models and process models; to make it easier and quicker to add new, and modify existing, pages, and easier to improve either or both the data models and the process models with the least need to alter code from the other.

B787-8 SUPA.png

Following a half joke of an April fool's day and after failing to resolve my gitorious no commit and access issues .... gahhh .. I am stilll ranting about that....

Anywho!, after much work and awexomeness, please allow me to present to you an updated 787-8 CDU nasal code.

cdu1.nas (MD5sum:4fd7e09e8944b6f9bfc5ca08730afb14)

Change log

  • NEW! CDU pages, services and functionality (see images below), and advertising of 'coming soon' NEW pages and functionality.
  • Fragmentation of the data model from the process model.
  • A new framework for representing CDU field labels.
  • Development of new framework for representing CDU field types.
  • A new framework for representing CDU field values.
  • Developed helper functions for resetting and clearing the CDU.
  • Developed helper functions for resetting the CDU inputs.
  • Improved usability by formatting numerical outputs to the CDU (see images below).
  • Various improvement to the process model, including simpler, more efficient and easier to maintain CDU data processing algorithms.

B787-8 CDU RADIO.png

B787-8 TO PERF.png

B787-8 VCOPILOT1.png

B787-8 VCOPILOT2.png

Notice the advertised, but not yet implemented NEW pages and functionality inthe 'B878-8 SUPA'. This kind of flexibility allows developers and users to advertise NEW ideas in pages and functions that may later be implemented. This flexibility also allows developers to temporarily de-activate deprecated/out-dated and failing functions, without the risk of deleting critical code segments. Now, developing a CDU page becomes much easier without knowledge of Nasal or xml :)

Again, this phase of the research and development was simply to re-develop the data model and process model and make it easier to create new, and to modify existing, pages. The next phase of work, will focus on adopting a more generic approach to the CDU algorithm, and address various functionality, structure and efficiency issues observed in the current design and implementation.

It is envisaged that the next phase of research and development will seek to introduce a load-manager for the many Nasal sub-modules; this will improve CPU cycle, process efficiency and sharing of processed data using the prop-tree.

awexome-ly. :)