Tupolev Tu-134

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Tupolev Tu-134
Tu134 aeroflot.png
Type Airliner
Configuration Low wing aircraft
Propulsion Twinjet (Jet aircraft, Twin-engine aircraft)
Manufacturer Tupolev
  • Emmanuel Baranger (3D & FDM)
  • Buckaroo (FDM)
  • Cossack90 (Liveries, Translation)
--aircraft= tu134
Status Early production
 FDM Stars-5.png
 Systems Stars-2.png
 Cockpit Stars-2.png
 Model Stars-5.png
 Hangar Helijah hangar
 Website The website for the Tupolev Tu-134 developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Tupolev Tu-134.
Download Download the Tupolev Tu-134 aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
Forum 'Tupolev Tu-134' topic on the FlightGear forum.
License GPLv2+

The Tupolev Tu-134 (NATO reporting name: Crusty) is a twin-engined airliner, similar to the French Sud Aviation Caravelle and the later-designed American Douglas DC-9, and built in the Soviet Union from 1966–1984. The original version featured a glazed- nose design and, like certain other Russian airliners (including its sister model the Tu-154), it can operate from unpaved airfields.


  • Tu-134A (glass nose)
  • Tu-134B (solid nose)
  • Tu-134UBL (long nose)

Simplified procedures


  • For begin moving use up to 86% N2 a short time.
  • Normal taxiing at 62-66% N2 depending weight.
  • In turns use 68-70% N2.
  • Maximum taxiing speed 35 km/h and 10-15 km/h in turns.



  • Flaps 10 (20)
  • N2 98-99.5% (full throttle, no more 5 min)
  • Elevator trim - 1.5 degrees up
  • Switch landing lights ON.
  • At 270 km/h up nose (pitch about 10-12 degrees, angle off attack 6-8 degrees, pull yoke about 1/2 it move range) and plane will take off at speed about 290 km/h.
  • Maximum ground speed for nose gear 310 km/h and 330 km/h for main gear.
  • After hight 5m and positive climb retract gear.
  • After 50m(night),200m(day) switch landing lights OFF.
  • After hight 120m and speed not less 330-340 km/h retract flaps to 0 degrees.
  • 390-400 km/h - reduce throttle to nominal value 91.5-93.0 % N2.
  • Accelerate to 500 km/h (460 km/h if need noise reduction procedure)
  • Climb to altitude 3000 at 500-480 km/h,from 3000m to 6000m at 480-460 km/h,then reduce speed by 5 km/h per 1000m.
  • Time to reach 9100M - 21 min.
  • Time to reach 10600M - 26 min.


At cruising altitude accelerate to desired speed at 91.5-93.0 % N2. Acceleration time to 0.82M with 93% N2 at 10 600M after reach 10 600M about 10 minutes.

Altitude meters N2 (%) IAS (km/h) M TAS (km/h) Fuel flow (kg/h)
9 600 90 520 0.75 820 2600
10 600 91 500 0.78 830 2300
10 600 93 515-520 0.81 855-860 2600

At 10 600M

N2 (%) IAS (km/h) Mach TAS (km/h) Pitch degree Angle of attack Fuel flow (kg/h)
89 452 0.71 760 2.7 4.2 2050
90 460 0.72 770 2.0 3.7 2200
91 500 0.78 830 1.7 3.2 2450
92 525 0.81 865 1.5 3.0 2700
93 530 0.82 875 1.5 3.0 2950

Note: At 93% N2 plane will increase it maximum speed limit.


  • Reduce trottle to 81-83% N2 and begin descend 10-12 m/sec at 0.8-0.82M while reach 600 km/h,
  • than maintain this speed.
  • Above 8100m maintain 83% N2 or more. Pitch -1 -2 degree.
  • Below 8100m to 5000M one engine 81% N2 and another 75-68% N2(if practicable).
  • Below 5000m reduse trottle to 61.7-72.0% N2 or idle.
  • Below 3000m speed less than 460 km/h and vertical speed less than 15 m/sec.

EMERGENCY Descending

  • Trottle - Idle (61.7-63% N2), pitch 10-15 degree negative, gear down.
  • Speed 600 km/h, 0.82M. Vertical speed 30-50m/sec.
  • While ending this mode plane drop 400-500m of altitude.
  • After emergency descend do not retract gear.


  • Typical speed 380-400 km/h at clean plane, and 78-85% N2 and 85-88%N2 with gear down.
  • Gear down and extend flaps to 20 degree at 360-340 km/h, 86-88 N2.
  • At 300-320 km/h flaps 30 degree.
  • Before intercept glideslope flaps 30, gear down, speed 280-300 km/h.
  • When intercept glideslope decrease throttle to 81-83% N2.
  • In glideslope use 80-86% N2 (75-82% N2 in case small weight)
Weight (kg) Speed (km/h)
43000 275-285
40000 267-280
35000 252-265
33000 250-260

Optimal angle off attack 4.5-6 degrees.


  • At 60 m AGL disengage autopilot.
  • At 20 m AGL begin decreasing vertical speed and at 10 m AGL vertical speed must be about -3m/s
  • At 7 m AGL smoothly up nose to create 1-2 degree pitch and begin flare.
  • While flare increase pitch to 3-4 degrees if nessesary to maintain vertical speed less than -1m/s.
  • Smoothly set throttle to idle and touchdown.
  • Apply spoilers. After nose gear touchdown activate reversers.
  • At 250 km/h apply breaks.
  • Usually reversers off at 110 km/h, but if nesessary it may be used to full stop.
  • Typical touchdown speed = GS Speed - 20 km/h.


  • Using more than 2.5 degree pitch when flare will result plane up and quickly drop speed with hard landing with gear crash possible.
  • Using more than recommended glideslope speed will result as above.
  • Speed less than recommended in glideslope need you use more pitch when flare and result will same or if use right flare pitch - to big vertical touchdown speed with result as above.

Recommended in glideslope need you use more pitch when flare and result will same or if use right flare pitch - to big vertical touchdown speed with result as abov


Since the start we added:

  • Support for rembrandt
  • Reverse thrust
  • Autopilot
  • Nav, beacon and taxi/landing lights
  • Liveries (auto nose selection, based on livery)

To Do

  • [3D] Cockpit (basic cockpit done)


  • Air Koryo
  • Aeroflot 1970
  • Aeroflot 2008
  • Interflug
  • LOT Polish Airlines
  • Nordavia
  • Pulkovo
  • Rossiya
  • Russian Air Force
  • Russian Navy
  • UTair
  • Ukrainian Government
  • Ukrainian Armed Forces
  • Ukrainian Navy

External link