Supermarine Swift

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External view
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Cockpit view
Cockpit view
Type Fighter Reconnaissance aircraft
Propulsion SingleJet
Manufacturer Supermarine
  • Virtavia
  • FGUK
  • Richard Harrison
--aircraft= SwiftFR5
Status Advanced production
 FDM Stars-5.png
 Systems Stars-3.png
 Cockpit Stars-5.png
 Model Stars-5.png
 Website The website for the Supermarine-Swift developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Supermarine-Swift.
Download Download the Supermarine-Swift aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

The Supermarine Swift FR.5 is a British single-engine, fighter reconnaissance aircraft designed by Supermarine and operated by the Royal Air Force (RAF). It was developed and manufactured by Supermarine during the 1940s and 1950s. The Swift featured many of the new jet age innovations, such as a swept wing.

On 26 September 1953, a Swift F.4 piloted by Commander Mike Lithgow broke the world absolute speed record, reaching a speed of 737.7 mph (1,187 km/h).

After a protracted development period, the Swift entered service as an interceptor aircraft with the RAF in 1954. However, due to a spate of accidents incurred by the type, the Swift was grounded for a time, and experienced a relatively brief service life. These issues with the Swift led to a public scandal surrounding the aircraft, harming the reputations of the British government, the RAF, and the aircraft industry.

The FR.5 (fighter reconnaissance) variant of the Swift was a very effective re-purpose of the airframe and excelled in the new role. The FR.5 was in operational usage during the period 1955 through to 1960 when it was replaced by the Hawker Hunter.

Aircraft specifications


Item Dimension Remarks
wingspan- 32ft 4in
length 42ft 3in
height 13ft 2½in
Weight 21,2501b Fully loaded
Internal Fuel 506 gallons
Ventral tank 220 gall
Total Fuel 726 gall
Take-off ground run (zero wind/sea level/0°C): 1900 yds (with ventral full, without reheat)
1310 yds with ventral full, with reheat
Range (with full fuel at sea-level) 445 nm at best range speed
336 nm typical FR mission


  • Intentional spinning prohibited
  • Maximum IAS 600 knots (clean or with ventral tank empty), 585 knots (with fuel in ventral). No Mach limitation
  • Maximum takeoff weight 21,500 lb
  • normal landing weight 17,000 lb
  • G limitations: +7.5 g (clean or empty ventral), 6.5g (full ventral)
  • Gun firing prohibited below 350 knots or above 10,000 feet


  • 3D models derived from Virtavia SuperMarine Swift, with permission and licenced to us under the GPL V2
  • Accurate FDM based on CFD model built with OpenVSP; validated against known data points.
  • Realistic 3D cockpit with using reference photographs provided by Peter Clarke (and licenced under the GPL V2)
  • Modelled hydraulic and electrical systems.

Simulation Fidelity and limitations

  • The CFD data is valid for a all configurations and speeds up to Mach 1.0, including transonic effects.
  • ECS, HYDS and Electrics systems models are simplified and do not accurately follow the schematics for the aircraft.
  • Timings for gear, cockpit opening are based on observation of video evidence.


Flight Controls

Modelled based on pilot's manual description.

External Links
