Sukhoi Su-37

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Sukhoi Su-37 Flanker-F
Type Military
Author(s) Lee Elliott
--aircraft= SU-37
Status experimental initialised v20080212
Download Download the Sukhoi Su-37 Flanker-F aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
SU-37 exibition model version

The Sukhoi Su-37 (NATO reporting name: Flanker-F) is a Russian experimental multi-role jet fighter aircraft. It is a single seat fighter modified from the 1st generation Su-35 prototypes for thrust vector control testing.

Su-37 in FlightGear

This is not intended to be an accurate representation of an Su-37 but of an Su-37 'type' aircraft. The Su-37 designation applies as much to the weapons management and control systems as it does to the airframe design and control systems.

This FlightGear aircraft should be regarded as experimental. While it is based upon the Su-37, and tries to include some of its control system features, it should be remembered that is very much an experimental development test-bed.