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PZL Koliber Family
PZL Koliber 160A in flight
PZL Koliber 160A in flight
PZL Koliber 160A cockpit
PZL Koliber 160A cockpit
Type Aerobatic aircraft, Civil aircraft, Civil trainer aircraft, Light aircraft, Light-sport aircraft
Configuration Low wing aircraft, Monoplane aircraft
Propulsion Piston aircraft, Propeller aircraft
Author(s) jakkos98 (SP-KOS), SP-NTX, TheFGFSEagle (TheEagle), sryu1, Mariusz Migut (SP-MMA), Patrice Poly (WooT)
Status Early production
 FDM Stars-4.png
 Systems Stars-2.png
 Cockpit Stars-4.png
 Model Stars-4.png
Download Download the PZL Koliber Family aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+
WIP.png Work in progress
This article or section will be worked on in the upcoming hours or days.
See history for the latest developments.

About Koliber

The PZL-Koliber 160A is the last production version of the Polish PZL-110 Koliber series developed on the basis of the SOCATA Rallye 100 ST license purchased by PZL in 1976, produced since 1979. The PZL-Koliber 160A aircraft is a four-seat low-wing aircraft with a take-off weight of up to 950 kg, equipped with a 160 hp (120 kW) Lycoming O-320-D2A engine. It was produced in the years 1997-2004 at PZL Okęcie in the number of 12 pieces, mainly exported to the USA.


September 2023:

  • Replaced AI with new one
  • Changed Cabin Textures
PZL Koliber with old Attitude indicator
New PZL Koliber Attitude Indicator
PZL Koliber 160A with old cabin (before updates)
PZL Koliber 160A New cabin textures and some things