Malmö Flygindustri MFI-9

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Malmö Flygindustri MFI-9
File:MFI-9B panel.jpg
Type Civil utility aircraft, Floatplane
Configuration High wing aircraft
Propulsion Propeller aircraft, Single-engine aircraft
Manufacturer Malmö Flygindustri (MFI)
Author(s) Anders Gidenstam
--aircraft= MFI-9B
Status Alpha
 FDM Stars-1.png
 Systems Stars-1.png
 Cockpit Stars-2.png
 Model Stars-2.png
 Website The website for the Malmö Flygindustri MFI-9 developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Malmö Flygindustri MFI-9.
Download Download the Malmö Flygindustri MFI-9 aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

Malmö Flygindustri MFI-9 'Junior' was designed by Björn Andreasson based on his earlier home-built aircraft BA-7. The first flight of the MFI-9 prototype was on May 17 1961. By 1964 23 aircraft had been built and the next model, MFI-9B 'Trainer' with a slightly enlarged cockpit, was introduced. By the end of production in 1971 47 MFI-9B had been produced and most of the earlier MFI-9 'Junior' had been upgraded to 9B status. Malmö Flygindustri also tried to sell the MFI-9B as a military trainer and lighweight close air support (mini-COIN) fighter. This was not successful, apart from 9 civilian MFI-9B that was bought and armed by Carl Gustaf von Rosen for (or forming) the Biafran Airforce. However, a later larger development, the MFI-15 Safari / MFI-17 Supporter was significantly more successful in the military market.

In Germany MFI-9 'Junior' was built under license by Bölkow as the Bo 208 'Junior'.

Installation and Dependencies

This aircraft depends on instruments from some other aircraft. Install a matching version of these too.

Known problems

  • The hydrodynamics planing model for the sea plane version requires a significantly increased FDM rate (the /sim/model-hz property) for good simulation results. On some systems this appears to have a considerable impact on the frame rate. The increased FDM rate is set for all variants.