Lancair 235

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Lancair 235
Lancair 235.png
Type Civil aircraft
Configuration Low wing aircraft
Propulsion Piston aircraft, Single-engine aircraft
Manufacturer Lancair
  • Emmanuel Baranger (3D, FDM)
  • Philippe Brocorens (Panel)
--aircraft= lancair235
Status Beta
 FDM Stars-2.png
 Systems Stars-3.png
 Cockpit Stars-2.png
 Model Stars-4.png
 Hangar Helijah hangar
 Website The website for the Lancair 235 developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Lancair 235.
Download Download the Lancair 235 aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

Review - Flying the Lancair

This section contains a review.   Please note that statements made here are (mostly based on) a single person's opinion.
Note  This review is for the PAF version of this aircraft.

The Lancair 235 is an aircraft I have looked forward to flying - in FG at least - for some time. The 200 kt plus speed would be useful in doing my cross- country flight training, and the rate of climb that would undoubtedly accompany the powerful engine would help in clearing the mountains.

Take off was quite brisk, although I had problems keeping to the center line, and climb was established at about 1000 fpm from liftoff, it never had to dip below that.

At height, with the g-indicator blackout that FG has implemented set to 3.5 for blackouts, I was able to do some hard turns left and right, without any problems, the aircraft is very stable, however seems 'wooden' in its handling, acceptably responsive, but roll is a little laggy, not what I would have expected. Apart from that the aircraft is very stable about all axes and easy to fly, again, surprising for me, maybe the FDM needs to be tweaked, maybe not.

The panel is very sparsely populated, however if you look at the latest model in the Wiki the screenshots show a fairly comprehensive set up. I am not sure if version 2.8 aircraft work with the version 2.4 FG but it is worth a try.

Not having time to fly back to the airport, I decided to land the aircraft on the grey ribbon roadway that appeared in front of me, and did without any problems. Handling was safe down to the limit, without stalling. ( I did not test that, yet.)

The pilot figure is also unusually detailed, at least in facial features, with a lanky, determined look on his face, as if he built the thing himself.

Overall a nice aircraft but the FDM needs to be checked against reality and the newest model needs to be downloaded for better instrumentation.

A note about the screenshots - due to an issues with the VGA driver some black shadows show up - no matter I think the shots give a good detail on the aircraft.

Version Tested: In FG 2.4

--Openflight (talk) 00:20, 18 February 2014 (UTC)


Autopilot KAP 140

Fully operational


Garmin 196 -optional- and ZKV 500


Fully operational -> HSI


Smoke generator on both wing tips.


VOR 2 and ADF receiver -> RMI

Speeds & limits

Speeds in KIAS (Knots indicated airspeed) : airspeed indicated

  • VSO (Vitesse de décrochage en configuration d'atterrissage) : TBN
  • VS1 ( )  : TBN
  • VMC (Vitesse minimale de contrôle)  : TBN
  • V1/V2 ( vitesse de décision/sécurité)  : TBN
  • VR (Vitesse de rotation)  : TBN
  • VX (vitesse d'angle de montée optimale) : TBN
  • VXse (VX avec un seul moteur)  : TBN
  • VY (Vitesse de taux de montée optimale) : TBN
  • VLO (vitesse maxi en manoevre train sorti):TBN
  • VA (vitesse maximale en manœuvre)  : TBN
  • VNO (Vitesse maximale en croisière)  : TBN
  • VNE (Vitesse à ne jamais dépasser)  : TBN
  • VLE (Vitesse maximale train sorti)  : TBN
  • VF (Vitesse maximale avec 1/2 volets)  : TBN
  • VF (Vitesse maximale volets sorti)  : TBN



Gallery 2

A close up of the Lancair in a right turn  
Landing Gear out at low level  
The useful tail camera view is good for analysing the flight