Hackathon Proposal: Split FGElev into Libary and CLI

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Title Split FGElev into Libary and CLI
Sponsor vanosten
Status Proposed
Summary FGElev is a utility program used by osm2city and others to dynamically read elevation and material information at a specific lon/lat coordinate. The program uses a command line interface for dynamic query one coordinate at a time. The C++ based osm2gear is also using FGElev - however it would be easier to call a C++ function in SimGear directly instead of interprocess communication. Therefore, it is proposed that the introspection logic is moved from fgelev in FlightGear to a function in SimGear and only the CLI interface would stay in FlighGear.
Skills C++, OpenSceneGraph
Notes Nia is making a container image for FGElev. It could be interesting to combine the efforts.