Fokker 50

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Fokker 50
Fokker 50 in Magic Bird livery
Fokker 50 in Magic Bird livery
Fokker F27 in Golden Knights livery
Fokker F27 in Golden Knights livery
Type Airliner
Configuration High wing aircraft
Propulsion Turboprop aircraft, Twin-engine aircraft
Manufacturer Fokker
  • Erik Hofman
  • Charlie Andrews
--aircraft= fokker50
Status Early production
 FDM Stars-4.png
 Systems Stars-2.png
 Cockpit Stars-3.png
 Model Stars-5.png
 Website The website for the Fokker 50 developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Fokker 50.
Download Download the Fokker 50 aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
Liveries Browse the FlightGear livery database for the Fokker 50.
Forum 'Fokker 50' topic on the FlightGear forum.
License GPLv2+
A Fokker 50 in the manufacturer livery of Fokker.
Fokker 50 in KLM colors.
Wide angle view of cockpit console and overhead panel ( v20210130)
Detail and shading of the Fokker 50 in flight

The Fokker 50 is a turboprop-powered airliner, designed as a refinement of and successor to the highly successful Fokker F27 Friendship.

The Fokker 50 is a bi-engined turboprop powered airliner.

The first Fokker 50 can be seen at the Dutch Aviodrome museum (at Lelystad Airport in the Netherlands).

Aircraft help

The cockpit lighting can be switched on and off on the central console. Look down and right! That only works in OSG, as do the other clickable cockpit objects.

To twiddle knobs (OSG only again, I'm afraid! Use LMB to increment by 1, MMB to decrement by one. The scroll wheel increases and decreases in larger steps. At least it will if your mouse buttons are mapped in the same way that mine are! Hold the mouse cursor over the standby digits of NAV/COM/ADF boxes to adjust, then press the button to flip the freqs. You can also adjust CDIs and the heading bug using the FMP on the glareshield.


  • Rotate at approx 95 kts.


  • Vref (target speed for crossing the threshold on landing) will be fine at about 95 kts again, with flap 25
    • 35 is the max flap setting, use it for steep approaches only

Development status/Issues/Todo

3D Cockpit:

  • 3D cockpit being modelled, co-ordinated by FokkerCharlie.
  • Some cockpit furniture still missing
  • Power Lever quadrant not textured


  • Engine sound in cockpit does not differ from outside engine sound
  • Engines and props could use some tuning, prop ground range not yet modelled.
  • Antialiasing ugliness (still) on the EFIS display.


Crew 2
Passengers max. 58
Propulsion 2 Pratt&Whitney Canada PW125B turboprop engines, each with 1864 kW (2500 shp)
Speed 284 kts
Service Ceiling 7620 m (25,000 ft)
Range 1421 nm
Empty Weight 12,750 kg (27,712 lbs)
Max. Takeoff Weight 18,990 kg (41,866 lbs)
Wing Span 29 m (95.1 ft)
Wing Area 70.0 m² (753 ft²)
Length 25.20 m (82.7 ft)
Height 8.30 m (27.2 ft)
First Flight 28.12.1985
Production Status out of production
Production Range 1987-1997
Total production 213
Variants Fokker 60

External links

The Fokker 50 FlightGear Forum threads: