User:Johan G/GitStatus/text open

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Current status: OPEN
Next status: frozen (273 days from now)
Next release: 3.4 (-30 days from now)
See release plan for details.

The following template description is not displayed when the template is inserted in an article.


This template is used by {{GitStatus/main}} to show a text when the Git repository status is open.

On pages with a language prefix, for example De/Hauptseite, the German main page, a translated text will be shown if one is available.


{{GitStatus/text open
  | next_version   = {{{next_version|}}}
  | next_release   = {{{next_release|}}}
  | backlog        = {{{backlog|}}}
  | next_changelog = {{{next_changelog|}}}
  | lang           = {{{lang|}}}
  | date           = {{{date|}}}

All parameters are mandatory in order to handle the parameters that can be given to {{GitStatus/main}}

Next stable release version.
Next release date.
backlog, next_changelog
Link to the backlog or next changelog. If both are used, only a link to the backlog will be shown.
Forcing a frozen state by giving the (estimated) end date of the frozen state. For situations like the release of 3.2(?).
Forcing a closed state by giving the (estimated) end date of the closed state.
Overrides the default language. See {{LangSwitch}} for details.
Overrides the current date.

Date format

While there is some flexibility in the date formats that can be used, it will be less ambiguous if given a year with four digits and the month with letters.


Examples using different options.

Known issues

Known issues and workarounds if such are known.

Related templates