User:Johan G/GitStatus/main

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Current status: OPEN
Next status: frozen (278 days from now)
Next release: 3.4 (-25 days from now)
See release plan for details.

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The following template description is not displayed when the template is inserted in an article.


This template is the core of {{GitStatus}} which is used to show the development status of the FlightGear repository.

Per default the status is set to frozen at July or December 16th, and open at January or June 17th. See also the release plan.

On pages with a language prefix, for example De/Hauptseite, the German main page, a translated version of the template will be shown if one is available for that status.

Note Currently the dates can not be set further than one year ahead.


| next_version   = 
| next_release   = 
| backlog        = 
| next_changelog = 

| frozen_until   = 
| closed_until   = 
| status         = 

| lang           = 
| date           = 

The only two mandatory parameters are next_version and next_release.

Regularly used parameters

Next stable release version, for example 2.12.
Next release date.
backlog, next_changelog
Link to a backlog or next changelog. If both are used, only a link to the backlog will be shown.

Parameters for overriding the shown status

Note Only one of frozen_until or closed_until can be used.

Forcing a frozen status by giving the (estimated) end date of the frozen status. For situations like the release of 3.2(?).
Forcing a closed status by giving the (estimated) end date of the closed status.
Show a certain status regardless of any other parameters. Either of open, frozen or closed.

Debugging parameters

Overrides the default language. See {{LangSwitch}} for details.
Overrides the current date.

Date format

While there is some flexibility in the date formats that can be used, it will be less ambiguous if given a four digit year and a month in letters.


Examples using different options.

Known issues

Known issues and workarounds if such are known.

Related templates

Main template

Subtemplates used by this template

Related content