Template:Nasal Class

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 # declare a class named myClass
 var myClass = {
    # constructor, for making new objects
  new: func( arg... ) {
   # creates a temporary object that inherits from myClass
   # what is obj here, will later on be 'me' in the actual object
   var obj = { parents:[  myClass   ] };
   # do any other object setup here, such as for example
   obj.message = "Hello World";
   print("Creating new object/instance of type/template:myClass");    
   # return the object to the caller
   return obj;
     # destructor, for deleting objects
   del: func( arg... ) {
   # add your cleanup code here
   print("Deleting object of type/template: myClass");
   return nil;
 # declare a method named sayHello
  sayHello: func(name) {
   # do your processing here
   print("Hello ",name); 
 # declare a method named setPos
  setPos: func(lat,lon) {
   # do your processing here
   me.lat=lat; me.lon=lon; 
 # declare a method named getPos
  getPos: func() {
   # do your processing here
   return [me.lat,me.lon]; 
 # now, let's try to create a new object
 var myObject=myClass.new( nil );
 # call the object's setter method:
 myObject.setPos( lat: 22.00, lon: 66.00 );
 # call the object's getter method to extract the values
 var ( lat,lon ) = myObject.getPos(); 
 # you can access all members/fields of the class by using the '''me.''' prefix now
 # add generic example here
 # to delete an object, just call the '''.del()''' method:
 # we will be doing this using a timer, 5 seconds later:
 settimer( func
                myObject.del( nil )