Template:Localized Release Announcement

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WIP.png Work in progress
This article or section will be worked on in the upcoming hours or days.
Note: It all works. We could use this template right away!
See history for the latest developments.
The following template description is not displayed when the template is inserted in an article.


This template is used for translating news in the {{news}} template displayed on the Main Page.

  • Translated dates based on language prefix of the main page.
  • For a new FlightGear release it will show (translated) texts.
  • You can also type in custom text and its translations for not release-specific news (but keep the dates).


{{Localized Release Announcement|date= |version= |codename= |lang=}}
{{Localized Release Announcement|date= |en=|ca=|de=|es=|fr=|it=|nl=|pl=|pt=|ru=|sl=}}

All parameters but date are optional.

Date of the release in any format like <d>-<m>-<yyyy> (or <Month> <d>, <yyyy>), for example 27-07-2024.
Version of the release, for example 3.4 or 2020.3.2. (optional)
Default airport or name of release, for example Bergen. (optional)
For other news to be used like {{LangSwitch}}, for example | en = Hello World | de = Hallo Welt | es... (optional)
Language override for testing and demonstration purposes. (optional)


With Codename

{{Localized Release Announcement |date=27-07-2024 |version=2020.3 |codename=Bergen}}
  • July 27, 2024: FlightGear 2020.3 "Bergen" is released.

or in Português:

  • 27 de julho de 2024: Lançado o FlightGear 2020.3 "Bergen".

Without Codename

{{Localized Release Announcement |date=July 27, 2024 |version=3.6}}  (Spanish Es/Portada)
  • July 27, 2024: FlightGear 3.6 is released.

On a spanish Page like Es/Portada:

  • 27 de julio de 2024: FlightGear 3.6 lanzado.

Translated Date only

{{Localized Release Announcement |date=27-07-2024 }}
  • July 27, 2024:

or Russian

  • 27 июль 2024:

Then add your message.

Other News

{{Localized Release Announcement |date=27-07-2024 
  |en=Hello World
  |de=Hallo Welt
  |pt=Olá mundo
  |it=Ciao mondo
  • July 27, 2024: Hello World


  • 27 luglio 2024: Ciao mondo

Dutch (nl) - no translation for message given here, shows english message and dutch date (just like {{LangSwitch}})

  • 27 juli 2024: Hello World

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