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Apologies, this may be a naive comment; this is my first wiki suggestion: Please may I suggest that in the proposed content of the opentrack.xml file be changed from "<node>/sim/current-view/x</node>" to " <node>/sim/current-view/x-offset-m</node>" - and likewise have "-offset-m" added to each of the Y and Z axis text also? This would make X, Y, and Z axis tracking function as it does roll, pitch, and yaw or heading. I got the suggestion from the Flightgear "headtracker.nas" file on Source Forge here: Rackhamlerouge (talk) 13:17, 11 March 2021 (UTC)RLR 2021:11:03 13:17GMT

unable to find package libprocps-dev

May I ask if anyone has a viable alternative to the package `libprocps-dev`? It seems to go unfound when I try to install it now. Would using `libproc2-dev` serve the same purpose? Rackhamlerouge (talk) 19:43, 21 May 2024 (UTC)Rackhamlerouge