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article should probably be reworded to discuss implementation strategy using:


See also

Zakalawe has written an analogue of ‘FGPanel’ for the canvas. Analogue is actually not quite correct - unlike FGpanel this connects at the view level (canvas properties), it doesn’t run the canvas ‘model’ locally, since that would be very tough (Nasal + whole property tree needed). This distinction was unimportant for the canvas up until now, but it’s going to become important I expect. This was prompted by my intention to buy something like this: Which means I need the CDU screen running on its own screen/device nicely. And I already wrote a page-based Canvas CDU over a year ago, it’s just sitting on Gijs’ hard-drive awaiting being merged. This is currently proof-of-concept quality, but already works quite nicely:

  • uses a websocket to send an entire property sub-tree (a canvas, but in principle could be anything) to another process / machine
  • render the canvas at arbitrary sie/resolution
  • it’s ten source files and very simple code[1]
  1. zakalawe  (Dec 10th, 2016).  Remote canvas utility .