Es/FlightGear Newsletter May 2011: Difference between revisions

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[[File:LinuxTag2011_LargeSetup.jpg|220px|thumb|right|FlightGear setup at LinuxTag 2011]]
[[File:LinuxTag2011_LargeSetup.jpg|220px|thumb|right|FlightGear setup at LinuxTag 2011]]
FlightGear was presented at LinuxTag in Berlin. The FlightGear crew consisted of David Glowsky, Holger Wirtz, Mathias Froehlich, Thorsten Brehm, Torsten Dreyer and Martin Spott.
FlightGear was presented at LinuxTag in Berlin. The FlightGear crew consisted of David Glowsky, Holger Wirtz, Mathias Froehlich, Thorsten Brehm, Torsten Dreyer and Martin Spott.
LinuxTag 2011
[[Archivo: LinuxTag2011_LargeSetup.jpg | 220px | thumb | right | montaje de FlightGear en el LinuxTag 2011]]
FlightGear se presentó en el LinuxTag en Berlín. La tripulación constaba de FlightGear David Glowsky, Holger Wirtz, Froehlich Mathias Brehm Thorsten, Dreyer y Torsten Spott Martín.

Our booth worked like a magnet to visitors - thanks to our two flight-simulator setups. A small flight-simulator with 3 TFT displays and standard joystick/pedal controls and a large and impressive setup with 10 (ten!) TFT displays and a custom instrument panel. We certainly had more displays in use than any other booth :-).
Our booth worked like a magnet to visitors - thanks to our two flight-simulator setups. A small flight-simulator with 3 TFT displays and standard joystick/pedal controls and a large and impressive setup with 10 (ten!) TFT displays and a custom instrument panel. We certainly had more displays in use than any other booth :-).
Photos on what was going on at our booth are available [ here].
Photos on what was going on at our booth are available [ here].
Nuestro stand funcionó como un imán para los visitantes - gracias a los dos simuladores de vuelo de las configuraciones. Un pequeño simulador de vuelo con 3 pantallas TFT y el estándar de controles de palanca / pedal y una instalación grande e impresionante, con 10 (ten!) pantallas TFT y un panel de instrumentos personalizados. Desde luego, tenía más pantallas en uso que cualquier otro :-) stand.
Fotos sobre lo que estaba pasando en nuestro stand se encuentran disponibles [ aquí].
[[File:LinuxTag2011_warrantyvoid.jpg|220px|thumb|right|Warranty void if removed!]]
Unfortunately, one of our five graphics cards in the big setup failed on Wednesday. What has happened? It overheated when it's fan blocked. Ironically, the fan had sucked in a warranty sticker which somehow had peeled off... So, is that covered by warranty? Or is "warranty void if removed"? ;-)

[[File:LinuxTag2011_warrantyvoid.jpg|220px|thumb|right|Warranty void if removed!]]
[[File:LinuxTag2011_warrantyvoid.jpg|220px|thumb|right|Warranty void if removed!]]
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Aside from the sheer number of screens, Torstens's home-glued [[Howto: Build your own procedure trainer | "Poor Man's Procedure Trainer"]] was blessed with compliments - and it really deserves this recognition.
Aside from the sheer number of screens, Torstens's home-glued [[Howto: Build your own procedure trainer | "Poor Man's Procedure Trainer"]] was blessed with compliments - and it really deserves this recognition.
[[Archivo: LinuxTag2011_warrantyvoid.jpg | 220px | thumb | right | La garantía se pierde si se retira]]
Por desgracia, uno de nuestros cinco tarjetas gráficas en la configuración de grandes fracasó el miércoles. ¿Qué ha pasado? Se sobrecalienta cuando es el ventilador bloqueado. Irónicamente, el ventilador había aspirado en una etiqueta de garantía que de alguna manera había quitado ... Por lo tanto, es que la cubierta por la garantía? ¿O es "anular la garantía si se quita"? ;-)

People really enjoyed flying at our sims - and we surely attracted some future FlightGear pilots. A few of them were so enthusiastic that they seemed to keep orbiting around our booth all day - waiting for another chance to fly the large sim. :)
People really enjoyed flying at our sims - and we surely attracted some future FlightGear pilots. A few of them were so enthusiastic that they seemed to keep orbiting around our booth all day - waiting for another chance to fly the large sim. :)
La gente realmente disfrutó volando a nuestros sims - y sin duda atrajo a algunos pilotos de FlightGear en el futuro. Algunos de ellos estaban tan entusiasmados que parecían mantener en órbita alrededor de nuestro stand durante todo el día - la espera de otra oportunidad de volar el gran simulador. :)

When more experienced visitors were flying at our booth, we used our netbooks to secretly telnet into the sim - and cause trouble by triggering specific failures. Flights were hampered by failing instruments, stalled engines or stuck gear (or any combination for really hard cases). Eventually, everyone was properly challenged! ;-) Kudos go to Martin Spott for safely landing a combined single-engine, stuck-gear and full instrument failure emergency in dense fog. He found his way back to the airport anyway. How did he manage? Unfortunately we forgot to fail the DME - and displayed distance obviously was enough information for his navigation...
When more experienced visitors were flying at our booth, we used our netbooks to secretly telnet into the sim - and cause trouble by triggering specific failures. Flights were hampered by failing instruments, stalled engines or stuck gear (or any combination for really hard cases). Eventually, everyone was properly challenged! ;-) Kudos go to Martin Spott for safely landing a combined single-engine, stuck-gear and full instrument failure emergency in dense fog. He found his way back to the airport anyway. How did he manage? Unfortunately we forgot to fail the DME - and displayed distance obviously was enough information for his navigation...
Cuando los visitantes más experimentados estaban volando en nuestro stand, hemos utilizado nuestros netbooks en secreto telnet en el simulador - y causar problemas mediante la activación de fallas específicas. Los vuelos fueron obstaculizados por los instrumentos fallan, los motores de las estancadas o artes de pegado (o cualquier combinación de casos realmente duros). Con el tiempo, todo el mundo fue desafiado correctamente! Felicitaciones;-) ir a Martin Spott de forma segura el aterrizaje de un combinado de un solo motor, engranajes atascados y de emergencia completo instrumento de fracaso en una densa niebla. Él encontró su camino de regreso al aeropuerto de todos modos. ¿Cómo logró? Lamentablemente no nos olvidamos de la DME - y la distancia se muestra, obviamente, era suficiente información para que su navegación ...

During LinuxTag [ RadioTux] also asked us to present FlightGear live at their booth. The recording of the interview is available [ here] as a [ podcast] (German).
During LinuxTag [ RadioTux] also asked us to present FlightGear live at their booth. The recording of the interview is available [ here] as a [ podcast] (German).
Durante LinuxTag [ RadioTux] también nos pidió presentar FlightGear viven en su stand. La grabación de la entrevista está disponible aquí] como un Podcast] (en alemán).

Finally, we'd like to express a warm "thank you" to those private and commercial sponsors who made this year's booth setup possible by donating money and/or equipment and giving trust into our promise to do "the right thing" with these donations:
Finally, we'd like to express a warm "thank you" to those private and commercial sponsors who made this year's booth setup possible by donating money and/or equipment and giving trust into our promise to do "the right thing" with these donations:
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* the oportunity of buying another five 24" displays at an advantageous price thanks to the subsidy of [ Baastrup GmbH].
* the oportunity of buying another five 24" displays at an advantageous price thanks to the subsidy of [ Baastrup GmbH].
* Finally, [ Science + Computing AG] contributed to the affair by - guess, what - paying the insurance for all this equipment at the booth :).
* Finally, [ Science + Computing AG] contributed to the affair by - guess, what - paying the insurance for all this equipment at the booth :).
Por último, nos gustaría expresar un cálido "gracias" a los patrocinadores privados y comerciales que han hecho la instalación de este año el stand posible gracias a la donación de dinero y / o equipo y dando la confianza en nuestra promesa de hacer "lo correcto", con estas donaciones :
* Los locales FlightGear los aficionados y los desarrolladores que habían estado comprando un conjunto de seis pantallas de 24 "de su presupuesto privado en el período previo a una de las exposiciones LinuxTag anteriores.
* [Http:// Thomas Krenn AG] que han sido la donación de una estación de trabajo muy potente para su uso en el desarrollo y la realización de exposiciones, incluyendo cuatro tarjetas de gráficos - que habrían sido completamente fuera del alcance de nuestros presupuestos privados.
* Varios FlightGear los entusiastas y los desarrolladores de todo el mundo que han estado donando dinero privado a través de nuestro PayPal cuenta en "", que finalmente llevó a ....
* La oportunidad de comprar otros cinco pantallas de 24 pulgadas a un precio gracias ventajosas para la subvención de [ Baastrup GmbH].
* Por último, [ science + computing ag] ha contribuido a la aventura por - conjetura, lo que - el pago de los seguros para todos estos equipos en el stand :).

=== FlightGear on youtube ===
=== FlightGear on youtube ===


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