Rutan Model 61 Long-EZ

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Rutan Model 61 Long-EZ
Image requested
Type Civil aircraft, Experimental aircraft
Configuration Canard aircraft, Pusher aircraft, Fixed gear aircraft, Retractable gear aircraft, Tricycle landing gear aircraft
Propulsion Single-engine aircraft, Propeller aircraft, Piston aircraft
Manufacturer Rutan Aircraft Factory
  • Emmanuel Baranger (3D
  • FDM)
  • Daniel Mortara (FDM)
  • Victhor Foster (panel)
--aircraft= long-ez
Status Early production
 FDM Stars-3.png
 Systems Stars-3.png
 Cockpit Stars-3.png
 Model Stars-4.png
 Website The website for the Rutan Model 61 Long-EZ developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Rutan Model 61 Long-EZ.
Download Download the Rutan Model 61 Long-EZ aircraft package for the current stable release (2020.3).
License GPLv2+
Wikipedia Rutan Long-EZ This is a link to a Wikipedia article

The Rutan Model 61 Long-EZ (aka Rutan 61 or Rutan Long-EZ) is single piston engine sport airplane with canards.

External link