Kyushu J7W

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Kyushu J7W Shinden
Type Fighter aircraft, Military aircraft, Historical aircraft
Configuration Canard aircraft, Pusher aircraft, Low wing aircraft
Propulsion Propeller aircraft
Manufacturer Kyūshū Hikōki K.K.
Author(s) Tat Nishioka
--aircraft= j7w
Status Development
 Website The website for the Kyushu J7W Shinden developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Kyushu J7W Shinden.
Download Download the Kyushu J7W Shinden aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

The Kyūshū J7W1 Shinden (震電, "Magnificent Lightning") fighter was a World War II Japanese propeller driven aircraft prototype that was built in a canard design. The wings were attached to the tail section and stabilizers were on the front. The propeller was also in the rear, in a pusher configuration. It was expected to be a highly maneuverable interceptor, but only two were finished before the end of war. Plans were also drawn up for a jet-powered version (J7W2 Shinden Kai), but this never left the drawing board.

The J7W was developed for the Imperial Japanese Navy as a specific response to the B-29 Superfortress raids on the Japanese homeland. It was to be operated from land bases. The canard concept was tested first by building a number of gliders with this layout, designated MXY6.

The first prototype, the only one to have flown, is currently in storage at the National Air and Space Museum.

Aircraft help

Flaps makes the aircraft nose-down (Remember this is a canard-type aircraft). Rapid control will get the aircraft stalled and spinned - Careful and gentle control is a "must." The use of autopilot is not recommended since some autopilot functions such as "Vertical Speed" actuate elevators rapidly, which makes the aircraft stall.

Key Function
Shift+d Decrease hydraulic torque converter pressure (decrease boost)
d Increase hydraulic torque converter pressure (increase boost)
Shift+e Trim aileron right
e Trim aileron left
Shift+f Decrease water methanol injection
f Increase water methanol injection
Shift+n Coarse propeller pitch
n Fine propeller pitch


Start the aircraft with +300mmHg or higher, actuating rudder to keep it on the center line. Pull the stick when the speed reaches at 100 kt, and you will take off at about 110 kt. As the torque of the engine makes the airplane spin clockwise, use aileron and/or rudder to keep it stable.


Adjust the clumb angle within 15 degree and keep the speed higher than 120 kt with full throttle. Do not actuate the elevator rapidly, or the airplane spins like a gyro.


Trim and cruise at about 2300 rpm. No rapid controls, or you get spinned like a gyro. When you sense a sign of stall, move the elevator (or other control) back a bit to stablize the aircraft.


Slow down to 250 kt and make a long sweeping turn. Put the flaps down, adjusting the elevator trim so the nose doesn't fall too much. Put the gears down and make flaps full-down at 140 kt. Touch down at 100 to 120 kt pulling the nose up a bit. Making flaps up at the time of touch-down will ease nose go up a bit.