Hackathon Proposal: algorithm to split building complexes into seperate buildings

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Title: Find an algorithm to split building complexes into separate buildings for osm2city
Sponsors: vanosten
Interested Parties: (feel free to add yourself)
Summary: In OSM when buildings are mapped based on satellite images, the boundaries of real buildings in a complex are often not mapped. See e.g. the centre of Elsingore (https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/56.03468/12.61125) or Stockholm (https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1473397762, https://www.google.com/maps/@59.3395067,18.0635361,3a,75y,21.17h,95.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXEt1JUQ4G1gmbOiAP4lQig!2e0!7i16384!8i8192). The challenge with this are amongst others:
  • If the ground is not flat, then parts of the buildings complex will be below the ground (sometimes even the roof) - in real life the single buildings would get different elevations.
  • The algorithm in osm2city for roofs makes the roofs flat if the area is very large or if there are too many edges. This leads to city centres in e.g. Europe, where the share of gabled roofs is too low.
Required skills: Python makes it easier to integrate with osm2city and work directly on OSM data. However any programming language will do to find and test an algorithm in 2D space (Cartesian coordinates).
Learning Opportunities:
  • Challenge your brain - it is easy to draw building boundaries for a human - but how do you teach the computer?
  • Get acquainted with programming in osm2city
  • Geographic information processing with OSM data
Notes: Need to work on the ws3 branch if you want to integrate with osm2city.