Bell 206 JetRanger

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Bell 206
The JetRanger in Croatian air force livery.
The JetRanger in Croatian air force livery.
Type Helicopter
Propulsion Single-engine aircraft
Manufacturer Bell
  • Mojo (3D)
  • Emmanuel Baranger
  • Maik Justus (FDM)
  • Heiko Schulz (3D and FDM)
--aircraft= bell206
Status Alpha
 Hangar Helijah hangar
Download Download the Bell 206 aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
Liveries Browse the FlightGear livery database for the Bell 206.
License GPLv2
Wikipedia Bell 206 This is a link to a Wikipedia article

The Bell 206 is a family of two-bladed, single- or twin-engine helicopters, manufactured by Bell Helicopter.

The Bell 206 in FlightGear was an early example for helicopter FDM configurations, that never had a maintainer, had a "poor FDM" (according to Maik Justus), and no 3D model.

In 2011 developer named MOJO made a great 3D model and FG-TUX wrote the new FDM.

Performance Data

Maximum Speed: 139 mph

Rate of climb: 1,350 ft/min

Service Ceiling: 13,500 ft

Range: 430 mi

Aircraft help

Key Function
} Start engines
{ Shutdown engines
Shift+N Toggle rotor brake
N Apply rotor brake

To open and close the doors just click on them!

Development status

  • Detailed 3D model & textures
  • Pilot model
  • External animations
  • Lights


  • None

To do

  • Instruments

External links