Beechcraft 35 Bonanza

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Note  Development on this has stalled as of October 2014[1]
Beech B35 Bonanza
Bonanza retracting gears.png
Type Civil utility aircraft
Author(s) flyingfisch, bitwisetech (dood)
--aircraft= beech-v35
Status Beta
 FDM Stars-2.png
 Systems Stars-2.png
 Cockpit Stars-3.png
 Model Stars-2.png
Download Download the Beech B35 Bonanza aircraft package for the current stable release (2020.3).
Beech Bonanza with panel lights on.

The Beechcraft Bonanza is an American general aviation aircraft introduced in 1947 by Beech Aircraft Corporation of Wichita, Kansas. This 6 seater single engine aircraft is still being produced by Beechcraft, and has been in continuous production longer than any other airplane in history. More than 17,000 Bonanzas of all variants have been built.[2] The Flightgear model is an A35.

Aircraft Help

Remove Before Flight flag on the Bonanza's pitot tube.
Beech bonanza cockpit.


  • Most of the panel buttons have tooltips, if you are unsure of what something does just hover over it.


  1. Remove pitot cover and intake plugs (click on them). You can use the walker, or just an external view to do this.
  2. Throttle 30%.
  3. Master switch (located on chrome center piece) to 'on'.
  4. Parking brake on (located below dash on right, colored white-ish. Hover to make sure.)
  5. Cowl flaps open (located below dash on left, colored white-ish. Hover to make sure.)
  6. Press '}' three times, or click the piece of chrome that the yoke tube goes into to hide the yoke and use the key.
  7. Press 's' or click the key.

To do

Photo Gallery
